Gallstones. I think I have them. X-(

Will go see the GP tomorrow but am just recovering form my 3rd attack in 2 weeks.


But everything I read says that my GB has to be removed. I don't want it removed.


Anyone else managing to survive with it intact?


Any advice?

Message 1 of 49
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Gallstones. I think I have them. X-(

My advice, you don't need it, be gone with it. 😄

Message 2 of 49
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Gallstones. I think I have them. X-(

it was the best feeling ever for mine to be removed.  None of the constant back pain, generally unwell and worrying if a glass of water will set off an attack (yes it really did)


Depending on how big the stones are they will remove it via keyhole surgery

Message 3 of 49
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Gallstones. I think I have them. X-(

But happyroo, where does the bile go?? I've heard some horror stories abut side effects after the surgery. Sounds yuk.



Message 4 of 49
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Gallstones. I think I have them. X-(

You want to spend the rest of your life suffering from gall bladder attacks? Instead of getting it removed?












Message 5 of 49
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Gallstones. I think I have them. X-(

I've only ever had these 3. Never had them before.


I thought they just zapped the stones or something and that was that. Why does the gallbladder have to be removed?


(And yes, yes I know these are questions for my GP tomorrow but CS is everyones first port of call when faced with medical emergencies lol!)

Message 6 of 49
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Gallstones. I think I have them. X-(

You can have laser treatment to get rid of them.........not sure how they do it, but when I was in hospital a few yrs ago, the woman in the bed next to me had hers removed by laser.

Message 7 of 49
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Gallstones. I think I have them. X-(

If they zapped the stones only, wouldn't a new lot form sooner rather than later?

Message 8 of 49
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Gallstones. I think I have them. X-(

I don't know am3.


I don't quite understand why I would have them. My cholesterol is good and my diet is generally pretty good. I never eat fatty stuff. No diabetes. Not overweight (much).


So in theory I shouldn't have them. So if they got zapped then maybe they won't come back?

Message 9 of 49
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Gallstones. I think I have them. X-(

I had my gall bladder removed at age 20, I had a malfunctioning one, no stones, some discomfort but nothing long term.

My mum had the stones removed, kept the gall bladder, stones recurred 10 years later. My result was better than hers.

Message 10 of 49
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