Gees I hope the ACT gets their Marriage Bill through...

Seriously is Abbott feral or what?


So after spending 3 years telling us all the economics is in a shambles, instead of concentrating on that, he goes after issues like this - fighting the ACT over marriage equality. How much federal money is it going to cost to seek out the legality of this? It seems to me that the ACT has already gone through the legalities with a fine tooth comb so does that mean we are going to see Abbott fight the issue in the High Court? Talk about wasteful...


And the look on his face when he talked about it today was telling - does he seriously think it is a big joke?


The federal government is considering whether it should block the ACT's proposed same-sex marriage legislation.


The ACT government introduced a bill to permit same-sex marriages into the Legislative Assembly on Thursday morning. It is expected to pass the 17-member Assembly with the support of all eight Labor and the only Greens member.


Mr Abbott later said the Commonwealth had constitutional responsibility for marriage and Attorney-General George Brandis would seek advice on the ACT bill.

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Re: Gees I hope the ACT gets their Marriage Bill through...

you DO know that same sex marriage means the destruction of  civilisation as we know it, familes will be destroyed, it may even lead to the extinction of the human race given that there are only about 7 billion straight people out see gays do not reproduce, the human race would die out in about 20 years or so plus/minus a few weeks.


the 7 billion straight people can't possibly compensate for that!

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Re: Gees I hope the ACT gets their Marriage Bill through...

But most importantly - will it fade the curtains?

Message 3 of 24
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Re: Gees I hope the ACT gets their Marriage Bill through...

so how come gay marriage wasnt put through during the last 6 years under labor?


oh thats right, our atheist female prime minister was against it


the luvvies are going to have a fit when gay marriage is legalised under the catholic abbott. LOL

Message 4 of 24
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Re: Gees I hope the ACT gets their Marriage Bill through...

@*ibis wrote:

so how come gay marriage wasnt put through during the last 6 years under labor?


oh thats right, our atheist female prime minister was against it


the luvvies are going to have a fit when gay marriage is legalised under the catholic abbott. LOL

Umm. How about because the private Bill was defeated last year thanks to the Liberal Party??


Without Abbotts support, the chances of Rudd or Gillard getting the legislation through were zilch.


And whilst Gillard personally opposed the legislation, she allowed a conscience vote amongst her Senators which is something Abbott prohibited. So even though the Liberal Party has many members who agree with same sex marriage (Turnbull being one of them) they had no choice but to vote against it when the Bill was introduced and put to the vote.



Message 5 of 24
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Re: Gees I hope the ACT gets their Marriage Bill through...

Has the world gone completely koo koo??


Heterosexual marriage is on a decline and homosexual marriage is on the rise.


Is this some safety valve that nature has devised to stem over population.


When will nature wake up to the fact that 'practicing' does no bear fruit all the time and the population explosion will only lead to a small bang

I know that you believe you understand what you think I said, but I'm not sure you realize that what you heard is not what I meant.
Message 6 of 24
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Re: Gees I hope the ACT gets their Marriage Bill through...

We have too many people on this planet and any attempt at reducing the overall population should be welcomed, not condemned.


But it's not about that. If homosexual people decide to marry then how does that affect me? Short answer is that it doesn't affect me at all.

It doesn't compromise my enjoyement of life or my employment opportunities; hey it might even reduce the competition for a mate for us heterosexual types.


I've always wondered why hatred for gays comes mostly from men. You'd think they would welcome gay men as they are immediately removed from competition with the straight men for female partners.



Message 7 of 24
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Re: Gees I hope the ACT gets their Marriage Bill through...

Martinus, why do you hope the bill is passed? 


Are you thinking of getting hitched 🙂

I know that you believe you understand what you think I said, but I'm not sure you realize that what you heard is not what I meant.
Message 8 of 24
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Re: Gees I hope the ACT gets their Marriage Bill through...

I hope so too.

It won't affect me in any way whether it does or not.

I see no reason to deny marriage to someone who chooses it for themselves but my personal view is that marriage is not necessary at all, had it not been for family pressure and the need for my OH to conform and fall in with his parents view, we would be still single, in exactly the same position as now. We met 40 years ago.

Message 9 of 24
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Re: Gees I hope the ACT gets their Marriage Bill through...

@poddster wrote:

Martinus, why do you hope the bill is passed? 


Are you thinking of getting hitched 🙂

I am already hitched poddster. Which I know is disappointing for you cause we would have been great together...


Nevertheless, the fact that I am 'hitched' is reason enough for me to wish that same right on my gay friends who want to be married.


The fact is that Abbott knows that if the ACT bill gets through then all the other states will follow through. If he is smart (or if we rely on his advisors being smart) he will let it go and change the country. But I suspect he will allow his personal and religious views to stand in the way of making this political decision.

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