I angered my other half and now I am scared

Do not get along well, cannot agree with each other and starting to say horrid things that I do not enjoy experiencing.


Mother in law sent them on a short holiday and now back I am scared of what they will now do or in the future.


Plus I am not the only one, others who share the place have told me they are worried about saying anything publically.


Not sure who to turn to?



Message 1 of 58
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Re: I angered my other half and now I am scared

@izabsmiling wrote:

Could be the OH(the them) pronounced you a leftie Do they present as 'some' righties in public places and think that everyone should either be OK with abuse (as already mentioned in this thread ..abuse can kill...it also silences and disempowers )

 or leave (in one way or another)  that public place .



Here the question is asked ..why is the right so feral ?  That should be 'some' imo .Not everyone should be tainted by and put in the same basket with others who don't assimilate (not a word I tend to use myself) into  and with a Community .





Why is the Right So Feral?



Never in my life have I come across a human rabble so feral. So nefarious, so malevolent, so xenophobic, so bigoted, so homophobic so ubiquitous, discourteous and disgustingly bad mannered.


I am not a naive person. Far from it. However, nothing could prepare me for the onslaught of vicious, vile, ill informed, fact less views that were thrown at me by people spewing verbal vomit with an intensity and regularity that left me somewhat ashamed of my fellow humans. So bad was their gutter filth and their intelligence so poor that they became more rabid even when I agreed with them. Often I asked myself if they might all suffer from some collective mental disorder. Like intelligence deficiency syndrome.


For example I made some comments suggesting I disagreed with the Asylum policies of both parties. They formed like a group of hyenas attacking me on all fronts. The end result being that โ€œI supported people dying at sea.โ€ No attempt at balanced discourse or reason had any effect. They employed tactics that very quickly take you off subject so that they can use sarcasm, verbal intimidation and emotional blackmail. I complained to Ross Parisi three times but he showed little interest. More or less telling me to mix it with them.


A friend asked me after a week of it why I bothered. Initially I thought, โ€œoh well someone needs to stand up to themโ€. Then rather pragmatically I decided I was interested in the psychology of it so for the second week I studied their behaviour. Then I suggested to those of the left that frequented the site that they should follow me and leave. Then the right could argue among themselves.

Now I am left to analyse just why the right are as feral as they are. It is not only on Facebook pages that we find them. More alarmingly and with more influence they inhabit all forms of media and government.
The feral main stream media is represented by the likes of Jones, Bolt, Hadley, Price, Devine etc. And the government has its share of Bernardiโ€™s whose views cross the line of mainstream thinking.


Since the election the Government generally, and the Prime Minister in particular have displayed a born to rule mentality. Their utterances and decision making has had a tone of dictatorial dismissiveness. The negativity of Tony Abbott spreads like rust through the community. His focus seems to be on undoing anything that has the aroma of Labor rather than the common good. Rather than throwing off a dubious past he has chosen to take his repugnant character into the Prime Ministership with a confrontationist head butt.


The list of feral media right wing extreme thinking fanatics is long and with time has become progressively more outlandish, more tantalising โ€“ more seductive โ€“ more flirtatious โ€“ more provocative โ€“ more stunning and more enticing. No one denies them their freedom of expression, their right to say what they think. Itโ€™s just the belligerently condescending feral manner in which they do so.


What is it that occupies the minds of men and women that they need be so malevolent in their thinking? That the power of persuasion with reasoned thinking and debate no longer suffices. What is it in the backgrounds of people that causes their narcissism, their inability to accommodate fairness and equality? Is it the sins of the fathers



The pot calling the kettle black!


Smiley LOLx5

Message 51 of 58
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Re: I angered my other half and now I am scared



remember writin' somethin' similar to that - diffo'  board, though.

obviously other superior intelligent folk around the joint, like me.



Message 52 of 58
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Re: I angered my other half and now I am scared

@not_an_eloi wrote:



remember writin' somethin' similar to that - diffo'  board, though.

obviously other superior intelligent folk around the joint, like me.



and sock, lol.

Message 53 of 58
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Re: I angered my other half and now I am scared

from the article;


For example I made some comments suggesting I disagreed with the Asylum policies of both parties. They formed like a group of hyenas attacking me on all fronts. The end result being that โ€œI supported people dying at sea.โ€ No attempt at balanced discourse or reason had any effect. They employed tactics that very quickly take you off subject so that they can use sarcasm, verbal intimidation and emotional blackmail. I complained to Ross Parisi three times but he showed little interest. More or less telling me to mix it with them.



search and you will find .



Message 54 of 58
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Re: I angered my other half and now I am scared




wot's socks ? 


would you be inferrin' now,  that i be more than one, other  than me

Message 55 of 58
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Re: I angered my other half and now I am scared

take care not_an_eloi 

Message 56 of 58
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Re: I angered my other half and now I am scared

John Lord's wrong on one count.It started when Howard took office.
Message 57 of 58
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Re: I angered my other half and now I am scared

2 actually, I love sarcasm - otherwise a very good, accurate, well written article, Mr Lord should join us here.

Message 58 of 58
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