Is it only me or.....

Have they bought back the mouse over,  when I put my cursor on a topic it is showing me the first post in the topic.




Message 1 of 31
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Re: Is it only me or.....

I've got spellchecker on debra. Actually that seems to have gone a bit weird now too. It's not autocorrecting anymore.
I just think lithium (or whoever) hates Apple lol
Message 21 of 31
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Re: Is it only me or.....

sorry that wasn't it Lurker


I fiddled around with my iPad settings a lot when I first got it and that was ages ago. I don't even know what i did lol


the boards here aren't very sympathetic towards iPads I've found

Message 22 of 31
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Re: Is it only me or.....

I thought there was something wrong with my ipad - phew!!


Message 23 of 31
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Re: Is it only me or.....

@lurker172602 wrote:
Yeah joono, but Chrome still has its issues too. I find i cant back space or make corrections. It freezes and i have to cancel the post and start again. Do you have that problem?

Lurker, I have that issue too using Chrome, started a few weeks ago. I had not made any changes to settings, it just started one day.


you can get the cursor active again by making Chrome think it is a new page, by clicking on the three stripes top right, then clicking back in the text box where you want the cursor positioned. It is a pain, but Safari still does not give you the full text tools, so it has to be Chrome.


give that a go.



it works most of the time...


Buttercup: You mock my pain! Man in Black: Life is pain, Highness. Anyone who says differently is selling something.
Message 24 of 31
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Re: Is it only me or.....


Thanks amber,  yay that worked!  You're right a big pain but at least a bit of a work around.  Would be much better if the boards just got into this century and realised lots of people are using mobile devices these days.  😞


Message 25 of 31
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Re: Is it only me or.....

Got any idea how to get the smilies to sit anywhere but at the start of the post?

Message 26 of 31
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Re: Is it only me or.....

love it

Message 27 of 31
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Re: Is it only me or.....

Lurker - " but Chrome still has its issues too. I find i cant back space or make corrections. It freezes and i have to cancel the post and start again. Do you have that problem?"

Yes I find that also. Very annoying. As Amber said it didn't used to do that. I will try what Amber suggested above.

Safari - ipad Do we have to hit the thread title twice once to supposedly open the hover bubble, (which doesn't happen) then 2nd time to open thread?

In Chrome (ipad) that is what happened, first hit opened the preview bubble and second had to hit the open bubble to open the thread.
Message 28 of 31
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Re: Is it only me or.....

Lurker: "Would be much better if the boards just got into this century and realised lots of people are using mobile devices these days."

Yes, some do, which is good. I posted on another forum the other day using Safari and I coukd use all the features same as if I was on a computer.

Took a year to get the hover feature back! Don't hold your breath for an ipad friendly board.
Message 29 of 31
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Re: Is it only me or.....

Woman Happy
@lurker172602 wrote:

Got any idea how to get the smilies to sit anywhere but at the start of the post?

that happens to me if I choose one from the pop up. If I do one using the symbols, it stays put. 🙂

Message 30 of 31
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