It's a sad day when you our govt uses "girl" as a derogatory term.





Mathateus Cormoron is more than welcome to leave this country.  We don't need his sort feeding our children negative stereotypes about girls.



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Re: It's a sad day when you our govt uses "girl" as a derogatory term.







who is Mathateus Cormoron   ???





Message 2 of 128
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Re: It's a sad day when you our govt uses "girl" as a derogatory term.

he is a horrid person, I did enjoy the response though


In the past, Mr Shorten has referred to the Finance Minister as "that Cormann fellow".


He counter-attacked on Saturday, saying that rather than "borrowing lines from Republican Tea Party conventions to joke about hurting vulnerable Australians", Mr Cormann should "face up to his unfair budget". 


"It's obvious why Abbott government ministers are more interested in sexist name-calling than defending their unfair budget. This is the same bloke that was celebrating with a cigar in his mouth days before announcing cuts to pensions, family payments and universities," Mr Shorten said. 


"Trying to trivialise the hurt and concern this budget is causing in the community, especially amongst women, is a disgrace. 

"If the government found room in their cabinet for more than one woman, perhaps this budget wouldn't be such an unmitigated disaster."

Read more:

Message 3 of 128
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Re: It's a sad day when you our govt uses "girl" as a derogatory term.

@*julia*2010 wrote:







who is Mathateus Cormoron   ???





He's an Arnie wanna be

Message 4 of 128
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Re: It's a sad day when you our govt uses "girl" as a derogatory term.

 It's a sad day when you our govt uses "girl" as a derogatory term.


Actually, the word he used was "girlie" which is even more  demeaning

Message 5 of 128
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Re: It's a sad day when you our govt uses "girl" as a derogatory term.

He's an Arnie wanna be



ah well no harm in that Woman LOLSmiley LOLRobot LOLMan LOLCat LOL

Message 6 of 128
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Re: It's a sad day when you our govt uses "girl" as a derogatory term.

@the_great_she_elephant wrote:

 It's a sad day when you our govt uses "girl" as a derogatory term.


Actually, the word he used was "girlie" which is even more  demeaning



Looks like I'm not the only one who'd like him to leave Australia   😄


Dear Belgium, Can you take @MathiasCormann back please. We've had enough of him. Sincerely, Australia. #auspol

Message 7 of 128
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Re: It's a sad day when you our govt uses "girl" as a derogatory term.

@the_great_she_elephant wrote:

 It's a sad day when you our govt uses "girl" as a derogatory term.


Actually, the word he used was "girlie" which is even more  demeaning

oh c'mon !!

leave Hanz & Franz alone Woman LOLSmiley LOLRobot LOLMan LOLCat LOL

Message 8 of 128
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Re: It's a sad day when you our govt uses "girl" as a derogatory term.

1.  Love the name.


2.  Arnold has always been a pig.


3.  Whoever thinks that women's liberation has been achieved, or anywhere near that, is so far off the mark.

Message 9 of 128
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Re: It's a sad day when you our govt uses "girl" as a derogatory term.

@polksaladallie wrote:

1.  Love the name.


2.  Arnold has always been a pig.


3.  Whoever thinks that women's liberation has been achieved, or anywhere near that, is so far off the mark.

kudos x10

Message 10 of 128
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