It’s been exactly one year to the day.

It's been exactly one year to the day.


“The first confirmed case of Coronavirus in Australia was identified on 25 January 2020, in Victoria, when a man who had returned from Wuhan, China, tested positive for the virus.”


A great deal has happened since this time last year. “As of 24 January 2021, Australia has reported 28,766 cases, 25,486 recoveries, and 909 deaths.” Worldwide over 99 million people have contracted the virus and more than 2 million people have died. Thankfully, vaccines have been developed and vaccination has started in some countries.


So what, if anything, have we as a people learned over the last year, especially about each other?


While there has been much pain and sadness, are we becoming better people, or have we exposed some qualities of humanity that are regretful? Do we want to go back to the way we were before Covid-19? If not entirely, what would we want to leave behind, keep, and change?

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Re: It’s been exactly one year to the day.

I would like to see the kindness remain, the determination to beat this thing [or at least to keep it manageable]. Neighbour helping neigbour, the return to humanity for the most part.


But mostly I would like to see the atttitudes of some people change from 'Woe is me, coz I can't visit another country or state for holidays'. I know how disappointing it would be, but as far as problems go, it is negligible.


A chance perhaps for people to put things and see things in perspective:


Aussie Troops On


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Re: It’s been exactly one year to the day.

What stood out to me early in the pandemic, when we were all a bit shocked and frightened, was how Australian's spoke of 'we' and 'us'. And when things started to settle down the PM divided the country into Labor and Liberal States, and politicised the situation. Then things started to revert back to (so called) normal.


I would hope Australians could try to slowly do away with the 'us' and 'them' mentality, whether it relates to gender, race, religion or politics. We've seen how divisiveness can damage other countries. And importantly, we've demonstrated that we can put our divisiveness on hold when in crisis. While it's probably a big ask, and maybe pie in the sky, I think it would be a better place than before if we did try.

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Re: It’s been exactly one year to the day.

Most definitely agree with you.


We are one, but we are many........


Gender, race, religion or politics is of no matter, we are human - We all come into the world the same way and we will all leave it the same way, hopefully in between I can make a positive difference in someones life.

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