Let's get Ready to Rumble: "A man should have a wife for the family and a mistress for pleasure"


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Re: Let's get Ready to Rumble: "A man should have a wife for the family and a mistress for plea

I was just waiting for the rest of the thread title to come up


Let's get Ready to Rumble: "A man should have a wi 


wi lliam  (diminutive)

wi tch 

wi cked sense of humour

wi se thought




Woman LOL


Message 11 of 21
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Re: Let's get Ready to Rumble: "A man should have a wife for the family and a mistress for plea

@lurker172602 wrote:

I was just waiting for the rest of the thread title to come up


Let's get Ready to Rumble: "A man should have a wi 


wi lliam  (diminutive)

wi tch 

wi cked sense of humour

wi se thought




Woman LOL


wi lly psychiatrist?

Message 12 of 21
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Re: Let's get Ready to Rumble: "A man should have a wife for the family and a mistress for plea

@not_for_sale2016 wrote:

@kopenhagen5 wrote:

When a man truly loves his wife and his wife truly loves him, he wouldn't want a mistress ! (Neither would she)

Some couples are totally in love, but the zing is gone, possibly in one of the two! This can happen for many understandable reasons. What is the solution when this occurs? What Bob is touching on is a possible solution, albeit it not for the reasons he is suggesting IMO.

Yep that happens.

I guess I'm talking about a kind of love where the zing is not important.

The kind where you just don't want to be with anyone else and grow old with the one you truly love.

Two people wanting to grow old with each other is a good match.

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Message 13 of 21
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Re: Let's get Ready to Rumble: "A man should have a wife for the family and a mistress for plea

@kopenhagen5 wrote:

@not_for_sale2016 wrote:

@kopenhagen5 wrote:

When a man truly loves his wife and his wife truly loves him, he wouldn't want a mistress ! (Neither would she)

Some couples are totally in love, but the zing is gone, possibly in one of the two! This can happen for many understandable reasons. What is the solution when this occurs? What Bob is touching on is a possible solution, albeit it not for the reasons he is suggesting IMO.

Yep that happens.

I guess I'm talking about a kind of love where the zing is not important.

The kind where you just don't want to be with anyone else and grow old with the one you truly love.

Two people wanting to grow old with each other is a good match.

Yep, fair enough. In fact I think it would possibly be the perfect match. But a bit of zing every blue moon would be ok wouldn't it, especially if the old tickers could do with some moderate stimulation?

Message 14 of 21
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Re: Let's get Ready to Rumble: "A man should have a wife for the family and a mistress for plea

hmmm, i have another brilliant idea


i see little bottles of green liquid called




could just be water with green food colouring added, but then again it could be>>>>>


LIQUID GOLD  at just $24.99 + P+P

Message 15 of 21
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Re: Let's get Ready to Rumble: "A man should have a wife for the family and a mistress for plea

@davidc4430 wrote:

hmmm, i have another brilliant idea


i see little bottles of green liquid called




could just be water with green food colouring added, but then again it could be>>>>>


LIQUID GOLD  at just $24.99 + P+P

Well I don't need ZING REPLACER, so you'd be $24.99 + P+P poorer. But you guzzle all you like if it'll help you reach new heights. Smiley Wink

Message 16 of 21
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Re: Let's get Ready to Rumble: "A man should have a wife for the family and a mistress for plea

@kopenhagen5 wrote:

When a man truly loves his wife and his wife truly loves him, he wouldn't want a mistress ! (Neither would she)

Why can't a man truly love his wife and have one on the side for pleasure whom he doesn't love.


Are you also saying a man can't truly love more than one person?

Message 17 of 21
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Re: Let's get Ready to Rumble: "A man should have a wife for the family and a mistress for plea

@kopenhagen5 wrote:

@not_for_sale2016 wrote:

@kopenhagen5 wrote:

When a man truly loves his wife and his wife truly loves him, he wouldn't want a mistress ! (Neither would she)

Some couples are totally in love, but the zing is gone, possibly in one of the two! This can happen for many understandable reasons. What is the solution when this occurs? What Bob is touching on is a possible solution, albeit it not for the reasons he is suggesting IMO.

Yep that happens.

I guess I'm talking about a kind of love where the zing is not important.

The kind where you just don't want to be with anyone else and grow old with the one you truly love.

Two people wanting to grow old with each other is a good match.

When is the zing never important in a relationship. Studies find that sex is important in a happy sustained relationship. So does it matter if it's with someone else?

Message 18 of 21
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Re: Let's get Ready to Rumble: "A man should have a wife for the family and a mistress for plea

Why can't a man truly love his wife and have one on the side for pleasure whom he doesn't love.


Not saying he can't, the type of true love I am referring to, he wouldn't want to.


Are you also saying a man can't truly love more than one person?


Now this is an interesting one. I guess it's possible but I haven't experienced it.

But to find one person so well matched and feelings being mutual is difficult.

So for that to happen with two partners I think would be very rare.


When is the zing never important in a relationship. Studies find that sex is important in a happy sustained relationship. So does it matter if it's with someone else?


I seem to have misunderstood something, I thought zing was referring to love sparks, newness that sort of thing, not sex.


I agree that sex is important in a relationship however I will also stress, the act of sex itself is not what is the important component.

In the act of sex, I feel it is far more the nuturing, caring for each other, showing of affection, positive affirmations and comforting that is what gives each partner the most of what makes sense in their brains towards strengthening the relationship.

Hence finding different ways of providing the above mentioned to ones partner, sex becomes more unnecessary.


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Message 19 of 21
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Re: Let's get Ready to Rumble: "A man should have a wife for the family and a mistress for plea

@the_bob_delusion wrote:



Are you also saying a man can't truly love more than one person?

i rekon there are a lot of men who love someone much more than their wives




Message 20 of 21
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