Nasty Redback surprise

I was just about to pick up plastic garden hands today and spotted a female Redback.
I was plain stupid, gardening in the heat without gloves.
I was lucky today, I will certainly take more precautions in future. Red backs and pacemakers are apparently a bad mix.
Has anyone seen one of these spiders lately in their area?
Message 1 of 18
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Nasty Redback surprise



I have seen two in the garden in the past week. I am in Melbourne.


I don't mind spiders but redbacks are different, I know that now. A while ago one was living in the corner of the kitchen. It was behaving itself so I didn't let hubby kill it.


then, she had babies...




the redback that subsequently set up home in the garage wasn't treated so leniently.


Buttercup: You mock my pain! Man in Black: Life is pain, Highness. Anyone who says differently is selling something.
Message 2 of 18
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Nasty Redback surprise

No. But have seen a lot of white-tail spiders, an increase in numbers?

Message 3 of 18
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Nasty Redback surprise

Paints, I was bitten by white tail a few years ago. It took about 2 years for the effects to go.
We are in the mid coast of NSW, I didn't know they were so far south.
Message 4 of 18
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Nasty Redback surprise

As found with redbacks the markings on white tails varies. But from my experience the abdomen is dark and elongated. There is a white tip on the end of the abdomen or a white stripe or blotchy stripe down the middle of the abdomen towards the end of abdomen.

The result of a bite from a white tail can be nasty.


The characteristics of the white tailed spider include:

  • having a cylindrical body
  • being from 1 cm to 2 cm in length
  • being dirty grey to brown colour
  • having glossy legs
  • a characteristic light coloured grey or white spot at the โ€˜tailโ€™
  • that two similar spots near the front of the body may also be present.

The white tailed spider is found in homes throughout Australia. It tends to be more active during summer. Favourite hiding spots include:

  • bedding
  • towels or clothes left on the floor
  • nooks and crannies
  • beneath mulch, leaves and rocks
  • beneath tree bark.

Message 5 of 18
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Nasty Redback surprise

Yes I am south of you. In the south west of WA, Bunbury.


My sis-in-law is a regstd nurse......she had a bite a few years back on her foot. After 3 days she went to Dr and was given an injection to relieve the effects of suspected Necrotising arachnidism is a type of skin inflammation and ulceration that is caused by the bite of some spiders.


Took many months for the 'tingling' and itching to subside.


Message 6 of 18
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Nasty Redback surprise

We have found quite a few white tails inside the house lately and they are quite large. The boys have been told to not drop there clothes on the floor anymore.


Not so many redbacks lately here.

Message 7 of 18
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Nasty Redback surprise

Bloody redbacks love me unfortunately. I have been bitten now eight times first when I was young and the last time in November when I slipped on a pair of jeans. It was inside and I have never got undressed so quickly in my life.
Two bites that hurt like hell and took ages to disappear
Message 8 of 18
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Nasty Redback surprise

In the US, we enjoy the redback's close cousin, the Black Widow.  Here in Oregon they are is the Brown Recluse that most worry about though............its bite causes the blood to clot at the wound, resulting in necrosis of the flesh.  Google "brown recluse bites pictures".........

Message 9 of 18
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Nasty Redback surprise

Had heaps of red backs in QLD, as much as i hate killing any thing we used to put a insect bomb thought the house once a year, mainly before the grand children came over for Christmas.


The biggest Red Back I ever saw was in Southport in a web under some leaves, she must have been the mother of all red backs.


The only Spider I ever got bitten by in QLD was one of those little hoppy spiders, gave me a bad itchy rash, bit me three times, was in the waist band of my skirt.

Message 10 of 18
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