No Scarf For Michelle Obama At Saudi Funeral

Barack Obama was in Riyadh on Tuesday to pay his respects to the late Saudi King Abdullah.


His visit, for which he cut short a much-hyped trip to India, underscores how important the U.S.-Saudi relationship remains to the American leadership.


On social media, however, much of the attention has focused on something else: His wife's attire.


As noted by the Associated Press, Michelle Obama did not wear a headscarf or veil Tuesday. In Saudi Arabia, that's unusual: The country is one of the few on Earth where women are expected to cover their heads, and most Saudi women wear niqabs.


Exceptions are made for foreigners, however, and Michelle — who did wear loose clothing that fully covered her arms — appears to have been one of them.

In photographs from the official events, other foreign female guests are also shown not wearing headscarves.


More than 1,500 tweets using the hashtag #ميشيل_أوباما_سفور (roughly, #Michelle_Obama_immodesty) were sent Tuesday, many of which criticized the first lady. Some users pointed out that on a recent trip to Indonesia, Michelle had worn a headscarf. Why not in Saudi Arabia?


Entire Article Here


I think that's disrespectful. Especially at a funeral.

Message 1 of 55
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Re: No Scarf For Michelle Obama At Saudi Funeral

Community Member


The world seems to be split on the issue.


I think she was sending a message and did it on purpose.



I think she should have worn some sort of head scarf, like the Queen did and

NOT rub their noses in it.



Message 2 of 55
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Re: No Scarf For Michelle Obama At Saudi Funeral

Why is it disrespecful?...

Message 3 of 55
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Re: No Scarf For Michelle Obama At Saudi Funeral


When in Rome, do what the Romans do ?


Follow the local custom ?


Be gracious to your guests by following how they do things.


It's not hard.



The thing is, the Obama's are so up themselves and think they are superior to everyone else.



Message 4 of 55
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Re: No Scarf For Michelle Obama At Saudi Funeral

i dont think they should of been there "paying respects" to him at all

 photo walkingdeadtag_zpsbaca2fdd.jpg
Message 5 of 55
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Re: No Scarf For Michelle Obama At Saudi Funeral


They don't get a choice, it's called protocol.



You might not like them but as POTUS,

sometimes you have to do what you have to do.


Message 6 of 55
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Re: No Scarf For Michelle Obama At Saudi Funeral

@dskracing wrote:

Why is it disrespecful?...

Because Michelle Obama is the wife of the President of the most powerful nation on earth. She must know it's customary for women in Saudi Arabia to wear a headscarf


Yet she showed disdain for their customs and culture by choosing to ignore them.


Specially the Saudis are such good friends with the Americans and the West.

Message 7 of 55
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Re: No Scarf For Michelle Obama At Saudi Funeral

When in Rome, do what the Romans do ?














abdullah with charles and camilla



Message 8 of 55
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Re: No Scarf For Michelle Obama At Saudi Funeral

If exceptions are made for foreigners...then she is not being disrespectful...she is exercising her right not to wear a head covering

Message 9 of 55
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Re: No Scarf For Michelle Obama At Saudi Funeral

Nup...I disagree

That is not a reason...she is a foreigner...her right not to wear a head covering

Message 10 of 55
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