Packed to the Rafters With Junk


THE NSW Fire and Rescue Service wants people to dob in hoarders after an elderly Sydney couple was injured in a fire fuelled by piles of junk.

Their Marrickville home was destroyed by the blaze which broke out when some of their hoarded items were ignited by a candle on Sunday night, NSWFRS Superintendent Tom Cooper said.

To get into the house, firefighters had to scale a pile of hoarded goods in the couple's front yard with a ladder.




"The people's belongings were stacked up to the roof, they even had belongings stacked inside the roof," Supt Cooper said.

The man and woman were found near the front of the house by emergency services.

The woman's clothes were on fire and she suffered serious burns to 20 per cent of her body, Supt Cooper said.


Both were taken to hospital, where the woman remains in a serious condition.

Neighbouring houses were also evacuated.

Items from clothes to fishing roads, body boards and scrap metal had been packed throughout the couple's house and in their front yard.

They had also filled a van, a small four wheel drive and a trailer with goods that couldn't fit in their home.




I wonder what will happen to the old folks when they're released out of hospital.


I can't imagine living like that, although I'm guilty of hoarding stuff. I guess it all piles up til it gets too big to tackle so you give up.

One of the firemen interviewed was so nice. He never once mentioned the words "junk" or ''rubbish" He called it "storage".

How sweet.


I like firemen Woman Wink



Message 1 of 22
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Re: Packed to the Rafters With Junk

It is more of a mental health issue when it gets to that stage isn't it? When people keep buying stuff/bringing it home when they have no use for it or no room to keep it.

Message 2 of 22
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Re: Packed to the Rafters With Junk


Message 3 of 22
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Re: Packed to the Rafters With Junk

After being a firefighter for many years it was scary seeing the amount of rubbish in some peoples houses that made it hard to get to and fight the fires.


Message 4 of 22
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Re: Packed to the Rafters With Junk

Hoarding is now a separate disorder in the DSMV (diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders) rather than being under OCD.
The Collyer brothers are an interesting example if you want to google.
Message 5 of 22
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Re: Packed to the Rafters With Junk





Message 6 of 22
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Re: Packed to the Rafters With Junk

@icyfroth wrote:

I like firemen Woman Wink



(I'll try again)


Me too.



Message 7 of 22
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Re: Packed to the Rafters With Junk

Dob them in? Who to?

Hoarding isn't illegal.

Councils don't do anything. Legislation doesn't allow council to do anything about nightmare neighbours.

Dob them to health and community services? There is a dire lack of mental health services and legislation doesn't allow to force someone to get treatment nor does it force the treatment to be successful.

Dobbing will achieve nothing. Overhaul legislation and improve mental health services.

Yuh I have a hoarder in my street. At one stage he had his front door boarded up with roofing iron.
Message 8 of 22
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Re: Packed to the Rafters With Junk

As am*3 said it is a disorder with some people.

What looks to us like absolute rubbish and trash that we would send to the tip, in thier eyes all of it is something they may have need for later on so they are loathe to throw it out.


Sad and very dangerous in situations such as this.


Edited for typo's (cold finger's)


You can't please all the people all the time, so now I just please myself

Message 9 of 22
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Re: Packed to the Rafters With Junk

@polksaladallie wrote:

@icyfroth wrote:

I like firemen Woman Wink



(I'll try again)


Me too.



PHWOAR! They are HOT!

Message 10 of 22
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