Pauline Hanson calls for ban on Muslim immigration


Does she not realise the muslims are here after hearing of us being over run by asians, they have come to throw the asians out of australia!


isnt that what she wanted last time she was in parliment?


just can't please some people, sheeesh!

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164 REPLIES 164

Re: Pauline Hanson calls for ban on Muslim immigration

"Most Muslims living in Britain and Australia are neither enemies of Western civilisation nor blameless victims of Islamophobia, a leading public intellectual says.


Mona Siddiqui, the chair of Islamic and Interreligious Studies at the University of Edinburgh, is in Australia to deliver a series of lectures for The Centre for Public and Contextual Theology.

Speaking to RN's Religion and Ethics Report, she issued a call for a more complex understanding of the relationship between Muslims and the liberal democracies they live in."




Message 161 of 165
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Re: Pauline Hanson calls for ban on Muslim immigration

@lyndal1838 wrote:

@davidc4430 wrote:

well your welcome to the australia 60 years ago

60 years is niot all that long ago.


i like my airconditioning on a stinking hot day, going to the fridge for a cold drink any time. driving my nice car also with airconditioning. and a cd player/radio.

Air conditioning was available for homes and all the main city shops were air conditioned.  Fridges were also quite common....we had one for as long as I can remember and there were always cold drinks available,

We also had a car.....a very comfortable car complete with a radio.


toilet in the house not down the yard.

Yep, indoor toilet also.   Even my grandparents didn't have a backyard dunny....we were a pretty civilised bunch in the Eastern Suburbs of Sydney.


reliable plumbling, electrics ect.

Yep, reliable plumbing (with no water restrictions) and we even had electric lights.....none of that old fashioned gas lighting for us.


sitting in my recliner chair watching my big screen led tv........or the one in the bedroom.  in lovely didgital colour. cricket and footy is like being at the ground without the yobbos.

No recliner chair but my grandmother had a lovely rocking chair which was very comfortable,  And no TV until I was 7....but the radio was well used.   What you don't have you don't miss.

Hate digital TV....I always had far better reception from my old analogue set.

Never having been to a cricket or footy match in my ife nor watched it on TV I cannot comment in that.


getting anything i need without leaving the house almost.

It was possible to order most things over the phone for home delivery (ever heard of mail order catalogues) but I do admit that the internet is great for those of us who cannot get out and is nice to see what we are buying from all angles.


cooking in a microwave oven

Yes, a microwave is handy but it is not the be all and end all of cooking appliances.....again, what you didn't have you didn't miss.


watching movies anytime i like.

Whatever floats your boat....when I was growing up we actually talked to our families and friends instead of being glued to a TV set.   Movies at the weekend with my friends was an outing to be enjoyed.


a modern washing machine

Yep, had one of them new fangled washing machines too....stick the washing in, turn it on then come back to hang it out when it was finished.  If my mum wanted a good white wash she could even use my Nana's copper.


a vaccuum cleaner that actually sucks dirt up and not blow it out the other end.

Would you believe we even had very effective vacuum cleaners 60 years ago?  My grandmothers both had a Hoover upright and my Mum had a Hoover and later an Electrolux barrel machine.


an exhaust fan to suck the steam out of the bathroom so it doesnt get all mouldy.

No, no exhaust fan in the bathroom....but we did have floating ceilings in the bathroom and kitchen to let the steam escape.

I still have floating ceilings in this house and it is easy to open a window you know....we did have windows 60 years ago.


paint that doesnt have lead in it.

Yes, granted that is an improvement but it was not a problem....we taught our kids not to lick the walls 60 years ago.


building material that doesnt have asbestos in it.

Again, a modern improvement.


drugs to cure so many things not available 60 years ago

And that is a modern improvement that is still evolving....we are alway going to be able to cure new illnesses.  But then again, there are so many illnesses around now that were not in evidence 60 years Aids.  New era, new illnesses to be cured.

My grandfather died of pneumonia in 1940, 70 years later my OH spent 3 day in hospital to be cured.


modern hospitals with all the trappings.

Hospitals were modern for their time 60 years ago....and you did not have to wait hours/month/years for treatment.  And you did not have to mortgage your home to be able to afford to go to hospital....and doctors did house calls.


must be a lot of other things id not give up for a 'simpler' time.

As you can see, we did not give up all that much.  Actually, we did not "give up" anything...some things just had not been invented.


Sorry Lyndal, had to bump it...........LOVE IT !



paint that doesnt have lead in it.

Yes, granted that is an improvement but it was not a problem....we taught our kids not to lick the walls 60 years ago.

Map out your future, But do it in pencil, The road ahead is as long as you make it.
Make it worth the trip.
Jon Bon Jovi
Message 162 of 165
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Re: Pauline Hanson calls for ban on Muslim immigration

Lyndal... to me, tommy.irene's 1609th post seems to complement some of the things you have written in this thread very nicely.

Message 163 of 165
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Re: Pauline Hanson calls for ban on Muslim immigration

Which countries have this view of Australians? 

Message 164 of 165
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Re: Pauline Hanson calls for ban on Muslim immigration

@margarearnaou-0 wrote:
Which countries have this view of Australians? 

The poster is Australian.


Message 165 of 165
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