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I did not think that it would be long before the Political Lefties, Tree Huggers, Bigots, Anarchists, and Social Democrats, (if there are any still out there), Greenies, and other weak minded Socialists, would be pedaling their mis-guided facts and making a stand for what ????   Reclaim Australia, what has it gone somewhere, that l do not know about ?  Am l not really here ? 


Once again in our young History, compared to other nations, we have an under element come out from some log, and call upon decent law abiding citizens to take to the streets of this Great Country, to walk and protest to the World that we are not really a safe haven for the oppressed, the poor, the less advantaged than us well established Western Society. We will have you here in Australia, just as long as you are not Islamic.


Yes, there are people from all walks of life living here in this Country, most cause no harm, like to stay familiar to their own ethnic upbringing. Some have caused some problems, but a lot of that can be attributed to the sudden change of 

economic environment. Others, have caused more serious concerns, and those individuals are being handled at a Commonwealth Security Level,who's Guy's & Gal's work very hard at keeping us as safe as possible.


So now we are attacking and stirring up our own Islamic/Moslem citizen's, send them back, ban Halal Food labels, Do not let them have Sharia Law here in Australia. They the Islamic people have always had Sharia Law, what do you think that the Inman does, he moderates areas of Islamic Law in the Islamic household.


Do we also stop the Aboriginal Legal Rights, The Aboriginal Magistrate's Court, set up to assist their culture & people in Court matters ?   

Martin murdered 35 + people in Port Arthur, Tasmania, not to mention all those still bearing mental & physical injuries, 

do we cast him out to the Land of his ancestors ?  We have scores of people in our Goal Systems, who have had their freedom in our communities, taken from them by their own actions, and now have become a danger to the very society that they enjoyed. Before we start pointing the finger at other ethnic groups, we had better take a close look at ourselves.


A small group of mis-informed Anarchists, see the opportunity to take to our streets and hoodwink the average Mr.&Mrs.

Joe Blog, that these Islamic, Middle Eastern immigrants are our real "threat" to this great nation. To single out one 

particular ethnic group and form a Political/Media/Social Lynch Party, is most UNAUSTRALIAN. This whole planned event has the smell of the 1947-1970 WHITE AUSTRALIA POLICY, which was Law brought in by which Australian Political Party, guessed it, The Australian Labour Party.  Surprise, surprise.



All that l can say is, please stay away on 4th April, 2015,NO GOOD will come of this protest to RECLAIM our Country. 


Islamic people do not have our Country, it is deeply held in trust by all Law Abiding Australian Citizen's, and those who have Died in the Defence of our Great Country, that many who have come here from all corners of this Earth, now proudly call, AUSTRALIA HOME.


To the Anarchists & others out there, some really Bad news for you, the Revolution did not start last year, will not be starting this year 2015, nor next year. Our Federal & State Police, and our National Intelligence Agencies are very much aware of you, you will be monitored very closely, that l can assure you.  Stay home and plant a tree.


To the Larger Islamic Society/Community, you are welcome here as our fore fathers were, you have nothing to fear. Live in your country here as we do, obey the Laws of this Country, as all of us must, and you will have nothing to fear. Many of you have already started in society here, having Food Shops, and other Businesses, your input already into society is very much appreciated, with a different slant of foods that we are not familiar with.


May Allah be with you.

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Peaceful lot aren't they? filled with hatred and  self righteousness..................and happy to see vicious attacks on those who are trying to live a peaceful life. Lucky no one was killed.

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