RUSSIA & USA Meet in the Syrian Sky.



Good Evening Australia,


With the intervention of Russian Aircraft Loyal to the Assad Regime, now in the sky over Syria, and the United States of America Aircraft that have been supporting the forces against the Assad Presidency,is this now the lead up to the Great Battle of Armageddon ?


A little known fact of Historical importance that one should be aware of before rushing into a quick answer here.


During the 1967 Middle East Israeli War, and due to the fact that the lsraeli's had knocked out all of the Russian supplied and equipped SAM Missiles, (Surface to Air Missile) very Hi Tech. at the time, and the Arab States against Israel being completely out gunned, the Russian Government quietly let it be known that it was going to put Russian "boots on the ground", followed by full Military Support, unless Israel pulled back and stopped any more Land grab or intervention.


This was sent through to the United States, who took it seriously, and "advised" their friend to Halt forthwith. Which Israel did.


The United States of America, deeply caught up in Vietnam, was NOT prepared to fight two battle fronts so far apart, which the USA Congress would never approve of.



Now to 2015, there has always been speculation that WW 111  will be brought about in the Valley of Armageddon, in Israel, are we now seeing the opening stages towards this event ?


One would only need to hear, see, or read about an Russian Fighter Plane being shot down by an USA Aircraft, or visa versus.


Very worrying thought no doubt.  Does the Holy Bible hold the answer to this question ?  the Talmud ?  the Koran ?


One thing is for sure, now that Russia & the USA are involved, neither is going to take "their toys" and go home quietly.




This has been Dale Dibble -  Good Night Australia.








Message 1 of 12
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Re: RUSSIA & USA Meet in the Syrian Sky.

IMO - Not too sure that you have considered all that needs to be considered before you pose that sort of question. The most glaring piece of information is missing from your post and that is, the Russians have'nt gone to Syria to provoke a confrontation with the US. They would have done so instead of warning US military leaders of their intent to bomb particular places and allowing the US to move war hardware out of harms way.

As for A Russian plane being shot out of the sky by an American jet .... I would bet my house that the rules of engagement have been rammed down American aviators throats and I daresay that the US pilots will keep all A/A weaponry safely secured. For a US jet to engage a Russian jet would be just lunacy to the maximum

 Although their agendas are quite different with allegiances in opposing corners (if that is the correct way to describe that peculiar situation) the shootings/bombings are not being aimed at each other so, really there should be no room for any miscalculated incidents. The Russian agenda is to keep the Assad government in place and, to my logic, that is what the outcome should be. Ok Assad might not be the nicest guy in town but I don't think he has aspirations to control anything more that what is Syrian and that can't be a bad thing considering the alternatives.

For the time being, and with-out any consultation to any religous writings,my answer to your question is,"no," I don't think we are seeing the opening stages of a world war, just another flexing of the Russian muscle at the request of the Assad Regime, but ask again when China gets involved.

Message 2 of 12
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Re: RUSSIA & USA Meet in the Syrian Sky.

China is already involved.,They have military advisors there and a war ship and aircraft carrier on the way.

Putin stated a week ago that obama sent the terrorists and they are going to fix the chaos.WW3 is soon.Dont worry though the usual suspects will come out and attack.I warned over 5 years ago and told you what was coming in advance.But they will say I didnt and that it is all abig joke.As to the OP.YES it is CLEARLY in ther Bible along with the dates.


Not long to go and I get to have that laugh.I told them here after years of abuuse and ridicule that when the war turns nuclear I will be laughing at you.NOT LONG TO GO!

Message 3 of 12
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Re: RUSSIA & USA Meet in the Syrian Sky.

Acyually what Putin said was that the muslim terrorists sent by obama are slaughtering Christians and with the help of God Almighty he will fix it up.

Message 4 of 12
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Re: RUSSIA & USA Meet in the Syrian Sky.

@skyrider12-au wrote:

IMO - Not too sure that you have considered all that needs to be considered before you pose that sort of question. The most glaring piece of information is missing from your post and that is, the Russians have'nt gone to Syria to provoke a confrontation with the US. They would have done so instead of warning US military leaders of their intent to bomb particular places and allowing the US to move war hardware out of harms way.

As for A Russian plane being shot out of the sky by an American jet .... I would bet my house that the rules of engagement have been rammed down American aviators throats and I daresay that the US pilots will keep all A/A weaponry safely secured. For a US jet to engage a Russian jet would be just lunacy to the maximum

 Although their agendas are quite different with allegiances in opposing corners (if that is the correct way to describe that peculiar situation) the shootings/bombings are not being aimed at each other so, really there should be no room for any miscalculated incidents. The Russian agenda is to keep the Assad government in place and, to my logic, that is what the outcome should be. Ok Assad might not be the nicest guy in town but I don't think he has aspirations to control anything more that what is Syrian and that can't be a bad thing considering the alternatives.

For the time being, and with-out any consultation to any religous writings,my answer to your question is,"no," I don't think we are seeing the opening stages of a world war, just another flexing of the Russian muscle at the request of the Assad Regime, but ask again when China gets involved.



Whilst showing respect to your input, "Accidents"  do happen in War time, and in all theatres of any Military Conflict. It is the Nature of the beast, it is called "Friendly Fire",  Friendly or not, a Kill is a Kill.


Yes, there are Narrow Fight Corridors that must be flown in and through, but an Advancing or Retreating "Hostile"  or "Enemy" often will not care, or abide by the "Rules"  or "Niceties"  in the times of conflict.


With the advent of more Nations bringing themselves into the Geographical bounds of this Region in discussion, then it is only a  matter of time before "All Hell breaks loose."


NOW IS THE TIME for Australia to bring HOME our Aircraft, Military Personnel, and all of our Support that is attached to that.


We have NO PLACE being in that area in a position of "Assisting Operations in a Military Manner."   


Has Australian Sovereign Territory suddenly become attacked, and no one told me ?


When was last time a Syrian Fighter Jet flown over Canberra, ACT. ?


If we must be involved, give assistance by Receiving Genuine Refugees, Aid in the form of Food Supply, Medical Supply, etc, etc.


Australia needs to be more vigilant around our own shores and Islands, and be more of a Big Brother to our closer Pacific people.


Malcom Turnbull PM, MP, needs to bring our Military people home Now, not after we are involved in a "Friendly Fire" incident. If that happens, then we are there for the long haul.

Message 5 of 12
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Re: RUSSIA & USA Meet in the Syrian Sky.

Also, if we must be involved, let us give aid to those people driven from their homes by foreign intervention bombing (including us), by helping rebuild their cities and towns, enabling them to stay in their own countries and communities without having to endure long marches and risking their children in leaky boats, only to be confronted with  hostility and or prejudice.


A bit of respect for other countrits sovereigny is required here.


Britain and it's League of Nations started it, let them finish it.

Message 6 of 12
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Re: RUSSIA & USA Meet in the Syrian Sky.

@skyrider12-au wrote:

IMO - Not too sure that you have considered all that needs to be considered before you pose that sort of question. The most glaring piece of information is missing from your post and that is, the Russians have'nt gone to Syria to provoke a confrontation with the US. They would have done so instead of warning US military leaders of their intent to bomb particular places and allowing the US to move war hardware out of harms way.

As for A Russian plane being shot out of the sky by an American jet .... I would bet my house that the rules of engagement have been rammed down American aviators throats and I daresay that the US pilots will keep all A/A weaponry safely secured. For a US jet to engage a Russian jet would be just lunacy to the maximum

 Although their agendas are quite different with allegiances in opposing corners (if that is the correct way to describe that peculiar situation) the shootings/bombings are not being aimed at each other so, really there should be no room for any miscalculated incidents. The Russian agenda is to keep the Assad government in place and, to my logic, that is what the outcome should be. Ok Assad might not be the nicest guy in town but I don't think he has aspirations to control anything more that what is Syrian and that can't be a bad thing considering the alternatives.

For the time being, and with-out any consultation to any religous writings,my answer to your question is,"no," I don't think we are seeing the opening stages of a world war, just another flexing of the Russian muscle at the request of the Assad Regime, but ask again when China gets involved.

China is already there.They have had military advisors for over a week and ships on the way.

Message 7 of 12
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Re: RUSSIA & USA Meet in the Syrian Sky.

@skyrider12-au wrote:

IMO - Not too sure that you have considered all that needs to be considered before you pose that sort of question. The most glaring piece of information is missing from your post and that is, the Russians have'nt gone to Syria to provoke a confrontation with the US. They would have done so instead of warning US military leaders of their intent to bomb particular places and allowing the US to move war hardware out of harms way.

As for A Russian plane being shot out of the sky by an American jet .... I would bet my house that the rules of engagement have been rammed down American aviators throats and I daresay that the US pilots will keep all A/A weaponry safely secured. For a US jet to engage a Russian jet would be just lunacy to the maximum

 Although their agendas are quite different with allegiances in opposing corners (if that is the correct way to describe that peculiar situation) the shootings/bombings are not being aimed at each other so, really there should be no room for any miscalculated incidents. The Russian agenda is to keep the Assad government in place and, to my logic, that is what the outcome should be. Ok Assad might not be the nicest guy in town but I don't think he has aspirations to control anything more that what is Syrian and that can't be a bad thing considering the alternatives.

For the time being, and with-out any consultation to any religous writings,my answer to your question is,"no," I don't think we are seeing the opening stages of a world war, just another flexing of the Russian muscle at the request of the Assad Regime, but ask again when China gets involved.

Secondly Turkey has already said they will shoot down Russian planes that stray into their airspace and have already shot down a drone.USA dropped 112 plaates of weapons off to IS.This is a proxy war.The currency war then proxy war as in Ukraine and next a full on war.


Message 8 of 12
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Re: RUSSIA & USA Meet in the Syrian Sky. wrote:

@skyrider12-au wrote:

IMO - Not too sure that you have considered all that needs to be considered before you pose that sort of question. The most glaring piece of information is missing from your post and that is, the Russians have'nt gone to Syria to provoke a confrontation with the US. They would have done so instead of warning US military leaders of their intent to bomb particular places and allowing the US to move war hardware out of harms way.

As for A Russian plane being shot out of the sky by an American jet .... I would bet my house that the rules of engagement have been rammed down American aviators throats and I daresay that the US pilots will keep all A/A weaponry safely secured. For a US jet to engage a Russian jet would be just lunacy to the maximum

 Although their agendas are quite different with allegiances in opposing corners (if that is the correct way to describe that peculiar situation) the shootings/bombings are not being aimed at each other so, really there should be no room for any miscalculated incidents. The Russian agenda is to keep the Assad government in place and, to my logic, that is what the outcome should be. Ok Assad might not be the nicest guy in town but I don't think he has aspirations to control anything more that what is Syrian and that can't be a bad thing considering the alternatives.

For the time being, and with-out any consultation to any religous writings,my answer to your question is,"no," I don't think we are seeing the opening stages of a world war, just another flexing of the Russian muscle at the request of the Assad Regime, but ask again when China gets involved.



Whilst showing respect to your input, "Accidents"  do happen in War time, and in all theatres of any Military Conflict. It is the Nature of the beast, it is called "Friendly Fire",  Friendly or not, a Kill is a Kill.


Yes, there are Narrow Fight Corridors that must be flown in and through, but an Advancing or Retreating "Hostile"  or "Enemy" often will not care, or abide by the "Rules"  or "Niceties"  in the times of conflict.


With the advent of more Nations bringing themselves into the Geographical bounds of this Region in discussion, then it is only a  matter of time before "All Hell breaks loose."


NOW IS THE TIME for Australia to bring HOME our Aircraft, Military Personnel, and all of our Support that is attached to that.


We have NO PLACE being in that area in a position of "Assisting Operations in a Military Manner."   


Has Australian Sovereign Territory suddenly become attacked, and no one told me ?


When was last time a Syrian Fighter Jet flown over Canberra, ACT. ?


If we must be involved, give assistance by Receiving Genuine Refugees, Aid in the form of Food Supply, Medical Supply, etc, etc.


Australia needs to be more vigilant around our own shores and Islands, and be more of a Big Brother to our closer Pacific people.


Malcom Turnbull PM, MP, needs to bring our Military people home Now, not after we are involved in a "Friendly Fire" incident. If that happens, then we are there for the long haul.

I warned over 5 years ago that this was coming and the peanut gallery mocked and jeered then and still do today.Not for much longer though.

World War 3 is just around the corner.

Message 9 of 12
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Re: RUSSIA & USA Meet in the Syrian Sky.

@icyfroth wrote:

Also, if we must be involved, let us give aid to those people driven from their homes by foreign intervention bombing (including us), by helping rebuild their cities and towns, enabling them to stay in their own countries and communities without having to endure long marches and risking their children in leaky boats, only to be confronted with  hostility and or prejudice.


A bit of respect for other countrits sovereigny is required here.


Britain and it's League of Nations started it, let them finish it.

No hope of that Icy.Look at Damascus.The prophecy,over 3000 years ago said that Damascus would be taken away from being a city and become a ruinous heap.That is just about completely fulfilled.The prophecies also state that there will be world war and it will be nuclear.The usual suspects will still have a giggle but you are not a liar like so many.I will leave it to you to consider whether what I warned of over 5 years ago has all but come to pass.Nuclear war is coming.It will be a global nuclear exchange.Very few make it and it will be suffering on a scale never imagined.

All of it is in the Bible if people stopped believing they knew it all and sat down and had a think  instead of blindly believing in evolution etc which has so many holes in it that it is a joke.

It is over Icy.It is time for the Creator to judge the people.

Message 10 of 12
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