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An open discussion of the merits and downsides of  SOCIALISMS comrades (and toss in capitalism) 



So who would like to see Australia turn into a Socialist country with the full socialist mantra?




Should people that work hard and make something of their lives simply share it with others who dont?  As is the socialist way.


Should companies and business share all their profit with their workers, again as is the socialist way... 


Should someone who starts a business and works long hours and works hard just hand over their efforts to their staff under the banner of socialism?


Does socialism work?  


So peoples thoughts and views... POLITE posts please on the socialist mantra 

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Who was it who coined the phrase "Chardonnay Socialism" ? I think it was Keating, he had no time for the socialist left in his own party, poured scorn on them.


A bit like the ones who "seem" to care so much, so much more than anyone else, but are just keyboard socialists or as Keating said "Chardonnay socialists".





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I also have a question:


Who would move to a country that has adopted Socialism as its Official Ideology?


Which country would that be and why?





Message 3 of 33
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its easy to be a socialist if you are born into money


when you have to work for it you dont like to share with parasites

Message 4 of 33
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I wonder how many are true died in the wool reds? Gillard was a socialist, belonged to the socialist left,that never stopped her from living the high life, she never did any community or charitable work. A true Chardonnay Socialist.


We saw the ruin of the USSR and how all the smaller countries were freed from their iron grip, we saw the joy on their faces & the re uniting of families but the other side of the coin is dark & terrible for the human race.


I would be a traitor to my class & country if I ever utterd the words "I am a left leaning Socialist".

Message 5 of 33
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A polite question that no one needs to answer if they feel uncomfortable identifying their beliefs or ideology


So  who *considers* or identifies themselves as a socialist? 



@**meep** wrote:

I also have a question:


Who would move to a country that has adopted Socialism as its Official Ideology?


Which country would that be and why?





Meep I believe Venezuela is a wonderful tropical paradise and a shining example of the socialist agenda and run by a true socialist govt. I wonder if the people there are happy and well off, never been there so I dont know.  They do all get free Plasma TV's given to them in Venezuela by the govt so socialisim must be working there


Any other countries that people can name that are socialist


and how are they going as an economy and for their people? 


I am interested in this and hearing how the socialist mantra holds up and how good it is


Message 6 of 33
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 I have posted this elsewhere because the mere thought of Socialism should be outed,  it is against all human rights & those who espouse it are ignorant.





Socialism is not a natural state. It may work in family situations and small sects specifically devoted to a common purpose.


It does not and cannot work on a large scale. Its failure is not the result of bad leaders or leadership. It fails because people are not molecules.


They are purposeful. Each person has different aspirations, motivations and needs. Socialism is a one-size-fits-all model. The nature of man is diverse and inconsistent with the uniformity of Socialism.


Initial movements toward Socialism can be obtained with minimal State coercion. Major progress, however, is impossible without mandating uniformity. That cannot be accomplished voluntarily. It always requires the use of force and power.


The kind face of Socialism necessarily transforms into a face of coercion and evil.


Socialism cannot progress based on freedom and voluntary choice. Its success is dependent on the politics of force.


Nothing popular requires force. Ultimately Socialism to reach its goals  must escalate to outright oppression and physical violence against men and property. That is the only way to implement unpopular measures.



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Yes, as I have also posted, socialism is a theory that is inconsistent with human nature. It always fails.






Message 8 of 33
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100% correct & the people who feel all warm & fuzzy about it are ingnorant, don't know history and is an insult to the millions who sufferd under such regimes & are still suffering today.


I think it is also is a topic that has a hidden govt. bashing agenda.

Message 9 of 33
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@**meep** wrote:

Yes, as I have also posted, socialism is a theory that is inconsistent with human nature. It always fails.






Monogomy is also inconsistant with human nature - does this mean it always fails and we should not adopt it?


As I said in another thread: socialism is a political and economic theory of social organization which advocates that the means of production, distribution, and exchange should be owned orregulated by the community as a whole.


What do you think the result would be if there were no regulation by the community (through an elected Government)  of these things?

During  and after WWII we had pretty rigorous regulation of production, distribution and exchange - it was called rationing. Was this socialism and therefore evil? 

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