Spiritual Awakening Twin Flames and Psychosis

Hi all.  Someone very close to me has recently been admitted to a Psych ward.  This person claims to have had a massive spiritual awakening  (that has turned very dark) and believies that they are on a journey with their twin flame (like a soulmate but more intense) to spread love and light to heal the human race...  They are currently being given anti-psychotic meds.  


Does anyone know much about spiritual awakenings, twin flame concepts or soul emergencies? Any and all opinions, advice, reccommended reading etc welcome 🙂



Message 1 of 56
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Re: Spiritual Awakening Twin Flames and Psychosis

@3ksandpj wrote:


And  yes CC she did voluntarily seek help.  She actually went to a couple of preists first, they reccommended she go to the hospital.




I think this is so outside mainstream thinking that the medical community will view it as a mental disorder.


Judging from the fact she herself sought their help she obviously isn't able to cope with this on her own and may need their help regardless.

Message 21 of 56
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Re: Spiritual Awakening Twin Flames and Psychosis

to the OP,  has your friend been tested for early onset menopause? This is not a flippant reply I've had friends throw away their lives and families because of  hormone changes. Perhaps a simple blood test could free her from a psych ward.

Message 22 of 56
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Re: Spiritual Awakening Twin Flames and Psychosis

Yes gem boy, she has had many different tests, blood tests, gyno tests etc. They have all come back clear so far.

Even on the meds she is claiming to be a healer now, and going around diagnosing the inpatients in the ward. Ironically though looks like she might be released today.
Message 23 of 56
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Re: Spiritual Awakening Twin Flames and Psychosis

Hi. I've had a similar experience to your friend. I met my twin flame and experienced a spiritual awakening the stress of which caused mental illness. I've been diagnosed as having had 2 episodes of psychosis but I believe I have had one and a spiritual awakening. The doctors didn't take my spiritual beliefs on board they just saw it as mental illness. Hope this helps. If you have any questions feel free to ask 

Message 24 of 56
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Re: Spiritual Awakening Twin Flames and Psychosis

Sorry, op,   but I'm very dubious about spiritual awakenings unless they are in a way that helps the person and others,  the bible is full of such things eg Paul on the road to Damascus,  Augustine, both of whom found a better and more constructive path, where they claimed they found light,   not darkness. 


Your friend sadly found herself in deep darkness that obviously overwhelmed her,   the priests said to go to hospital, and she chose to, and has presumably been  diagnosed with psychosis.    I have no problem with strangers on the internet giving opinions (I'm doing it myself)  but would tread really warily here as the psychiatric wards are full of people who claim deeply religious happenings or identities that are clearly manifestations of mental illness.   Nor do I think anyone should be advising that anti-psychotic drugs are 'bad'., now that is really dangerous.      . 

Message 25 of 56
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Re: Spiritual Awakening Twin Flames and Psychosis

@3ksandpj wrote:

Hi all.  Someone very close to me has recently been admitted to a Psych ward.  This person claims to have had a massive spiritual awakening  (that has turned very dark) and believies that they are on a journey with their twin flame (like a soulmate but more intense) to spread love and light to heal the human race...  They are currently being given anti-psychotic meds.  


Does anyone know much about spiritual awakenings, twin flame concepts or soul emergencies? Any and all opinions, advice, reccommended reading etc welcome 🙂



It is possible that the "spiritual awakenings, twin flame concepts or soul emergencies" are meaningful only to the person and have been created by him/her. Of concern IMO is what the person could do as part of the journey i.e. what could be dangerous or pose a concerning risk. It's probably good that the person is in a safe place at the moment while the MH people try to sort out what's going on. Smiley Happy

Message 26 of 56
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Re: Spiritual Awakening Twin Flames and Psychosis

<blockquote><hr />clairsillar_0 wrote:<br />
<p>Hi. I've had a similar experience to your friend. I met my twin flame and experienced a spiritual awakening the stress of which caused mental illness. I've been diagnosed as having had 2 episodes of psychosis but I believe I have had one and a spiritual awakening. The doctors didn't take my spiritual beliefs on board they just saw it as mental illness. Hope this helps. If you have any questions feel free to ask&nbsp;</p>
<hr /></blockquote>
<p>Hi clairsillar if you were diagnosed as having two&nbsp;psychotic episodes, one which&nbsp;you agree was a true psychotic episode, don't you think it is possible that the other one was as well? I'm not saying it was but if I was in your situation then I would&nbsp;be inclined to think that I was prone to psychotic episodes based in the fact that I one.&nbsp;</p>
Message 27 of 56
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Re: Spiritual Awakening Twin Flames and Psychosis

Community Member
Why? I'll write it again.

Hi clairsillar if you were diagnosed with having two psychotic episodes, one which you agree was a true psychotic episode, don't you think it's possible that the other one was as well? I'm not saying it was, but if I was in your situation then I would be inclined to think that I was prone to psychotic episodes, based on the fact that I had one.
Message 28 of 56
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Re: Spiritual Awakening Twin Flames and Psychosis

That's your opinion and you're entitled to it but I have my reasons for believing otherwise. I'm not prepared to justify my beliefs on here

Message 29 of 56
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Re: Spiritual Awakening Twin Flames and Psychosis

I have met many people both old and young who have been diagnosed with a psychotic condition and (from memory) every single one I talked with was utterly convinced that their delusiory ideas were real and valid and not one of them could be appealed to by means of reasoned, logical argument.


But really, I do think it's a bit harsh for people who claim a "spiritual enlightenment" to be diagnosed as psychotic, detained against their will and be subject to a treatment order where the taking of medication is mandatory.


I think it all comes down to this. Does a person, by virtue of the idea set and the beliefs which they hold constitute an actual danger and physical threat to other people (and themselves)?


If the answer to that question is yes, then should they be allowed out and about in society to be free to act out their delusions?


If the answer is no and they are just harmless nutters, then does it really matter what they believe if their actions cause no one any physical harm?



Message 30 of 56
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