The demonizing of Tony Abbott

Community Member

Since the election win by Mr Abbott the hate threads on here have multiplied expendentially as the penny drops that Labor has lost.


Saying that the right leaning people started it is not the same, C&P articles that exposed just how bad Labor was in govt is not name calling. The name calling the left has indulged in since Tony Abbott became leader of the opposition has been prolific and histrionic.


The myopic posts saying the loss is not as bad as they thought is ludicrous, please people read something anything about the history of elections before you drift off into la la land.


No matter what the coalition do from here on in it will be vilified by the left & it will be on here so the left can assuage it's deep feelings of loss.


a piece by Rita Panashi:


THE full blown unhinging, when it came, was as predictable as it was pathetic. Last week, as the election drew closer and certain defeat loomed large, the lunatic left gave up any pretence of intelligent discourse and resorted to scaremongering and deranged slandering.


The tone was set by Julia Gillard and then Kevin Rudd with personal attacks on Abbott's character. Both Labor and the Greens sought to demonise Abbott as a one-dimensional bogeyman to be feared and despised.


Paradoxically the fervour with which Abbott was attacked ended up endearing him to the masses. Reasonable folk were left wondering why he was so harshly criticised for benign comments such as telling a reporter to "calm down" or remarking light-heartedly that a candidate had a certain "sex appeal". The words didn't match the indignation.


Trying to paint a Rhodes Scholar as an unthinking buffoon was a stupid line of attack. The so-called gaffes were dismissed by the electorate and in the end Abbott went into Saturday's election as preferred PM, something that even his most optimistic supporters had not anticipated.


But the election result will do nothing to dampen the zealous enthusiasm of the Abbott-loathing fringe dwellers. If anything their deranged disdain will only be energised by Abbott's prime ministership.


One wonders whether the multitude of socialist luvvies who pledged to flee Australia if Abbott ever became PM are currently packing their bags - although their departure won't be much of a loss to the nation. We have no shortage of moral posturers and out-of-touch agenda pushers.

Message 1 of 61
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Re: The demonizing of Tony Abbott

i dont want to kill him, i just want a competent person in the job. the threats to kill gillard flew thick and fast too.

Message 11 of 61
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Re: The demonizing of Tony Abbott

well OP after the demonization of Julia Gillard and Kevin Rudd, over the past 12 months or so, I guess you just have to accept it   Smiley TongueSmiley Tongue



Message 12 of 61
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Re: The demonizing of Tony Abbott

@crystal-gems wrote:

Although I am not a TA supporter, I find those posts on FB absolutely disgraceful.

Surely it is illegal, and  the posters deserve to be tracked down, and  police action and charged..


I didn't realise this op was directed at outside of CS.............................I would think it should be dealt with legally as well.

I am a bit sick of it all.

Message 13 of 61
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Re: The demonizing of Tony Abbott

Surely  inciting to kill is  illegal in Australia..


Message 14 of 61
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Re: The demonizing of Tony Abbott

I must be evil, but I can't get this little catch phrase out of my mind.

Message 15 of 61
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Re: The demonizing of Tony Abbott

From the opening post : Since the election win by Mr Abbott the hate threads on here have multiplied expendentially as the penny drops that Labor has lost.


Saying that the right leaning people started it is not the same, C&P articles that exposed just how bad Labor was in govt is not name calling. The name calling the left has indulged in since Tony Abbott became leader of the opposition has been prolific and histrionic.


The myopic posts saying the loss is not as bad as they thought is ludicrous, please people read something anything about the history of elections before you drift off into la la land.


No matter what the coalition do from here on in it will be vilified by the left & it will be on here so the left can assuage it's deep feelings of loss.







was the thread title demonizing Tony Abbott 




or Demonizing other Ebay members ?




....hate thread/s   ?

Message 16 of 61
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Re: The demonizing of Tony Abbott

Pot....please meet kettle...


Which Liberal Mp suggested Gillard  be 'kicked to death'  while he was on on live television?


Former chief of staff David Speers


Don't throw dirt and not expect it to be thrown back.



Message 17 of 61
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Re: The demonizing of Tony Abbott

Or the famouse placards from Liberal supporters who absented to Canberra ?


Pot meet kettle........

Message 18 of 61
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Re: The demonizing of Tony Abbott

well, 2 wrongs don't make a right............ and retaliating in kind is not right.....

as tempting as it is?

Message 19 of 61
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Re: The demonizing of Tony Abbott

Nobody said it was right.


But playing the victim is hypocritical and so is forgetting what has beend one.


Both sides of politics have horrible people,everyone can see that,  pretending that your side is cleaner is weaker than shutting down a reply by hitting the alert button.

Message 20 of 61
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