Think the boards have changed

I just posted a reply to a question in the Answer Centre - Buying that was posted on 23.02.2021 - this question has now moved to the top of the Answer Centre in the new boards format (hope it is not just a Friday glitch)

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Re: Think the boards have changed

Think I have discovered the problem with the Answer Centre and the influx of old threads being dragged up by new users.

When you enter Answer Centre – the featured images for various categories suggest to a new user that this is the place to start.

So, click on say Buying on eBay and up comes a list of all questions Problem being – the Posts are NOT dated  although they are recent.

But if someone scrolls and scrolls to find a question suiting the problem they are having, they really don’t have a clue what date it is until it is actually opened.

Once opened most people are just looking for the answer, they don’t look to the RHS for the date and are thereby either getting out-dated information or adding a question to the thread, and usually receiving a bit of flak for opening said thread. I am one who gets frustrated with dead threads, but obviously this is not the newbies fault to a large degree.

In addition to this some old threads have a green tick for the accepted and correct answer which now appears directly under the question asked - So a new person clicks on the question, views  ‘The Solution’  and again could be getting outdated, irrelevant and incorrect info depending on the OP date.

The dates show on the Discussion Boards, so why not on the AC

Message 101 of 132
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Re: Think the boards have changed

Also the 'related content' down the right hand side of the page is usually outdated/irrelevant (although it does have a date)


Looking at an OP re switched to a new seller page in ask a member dated 23/03/21 the related content is a post from 2014 New simplified selling/listing format - how to revert back to the old user friendly format - not related at all


I wonder if newer members are actually aware of the dates really - if they are just looking for an answer to a problem





Message 102 of 132
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Re: Think the boards have changed


Message 103 of 132
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Re: Think the boards have changed

Good Morning

I totally agree with you.

Ebay has not made it easy for the new members that are looking for answers.

I had to actually work it out also because I have never been to that forum.

What I did discover when you write something in the search box and then click open you can choose a date which comes up at the top and also the side. 

I did that now all the latest threads are up top for me.

Please see below


signature_1 (2).gif

Message 104 of 132
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Re: Think the boards have changed

Exactly, and I think it is a very real problem that eBay needs to sort out sooner rather than later.

Answer Centre suggests getting answers - Solution - suggests problem solved.

As you say, many don't even look at the date all they want is the solution.


I know that I have gone into OLD threads that have been bumped without noticing, and the only thing that gives it away is early in the post I will see a poster from years ago who is no longer on the boards - then I glance at the date and back out.


I have been on eBay since 2006 so if I can inadvertantly go in, a newbie certainly will.

Message 105 of 132
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Re: Think the boards have changed

Bit the bullet and sent a 'suggestion' to eBay - I know it's pretty pointless, but made me feel like I was doing more than just whining.

Message 106 of 132
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Re: Think the boards have changed

Me again, just trying something, bear with.............

Message 107 of 132
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Re: Think the boards have changed

When did this happen ?

Just noticed each post has  Latest Reply >  next to the message count


Hope it is here to stay

Message 108 of 132
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Re: Think the boards have changed

Guess it saves all that scrollin' to the last post.


They've also changed the notifications bell

Message 109 of 132
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Re: Think the boards have changed

Yeah, I realised that later

Ffor some reason at first it was all glitchy and showing up helpful on my screen without clicking anything, half top of my screen just displaying 5 names that I couldn't close, so thought it was Friday gremlins 😆


I am rather pleased with the Latest Reply additiion I must say.

Message 110 of 132
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