To be a hero, you must have honor

One must not be a liar to have honor,- 


which means that Navy SEAL Chris Kyle “falls short on the honor department,” former Minnesota Governor and SEAL Jesse Ventura told RT. In an interview focusing on the controversy surrounding the movie “American Sniper,” Ventura explained his recent lawsuit against the estate of the film’s central figure, and why he immediately knew the picture was nothing short of “propaganda.”



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A jury awarded former Minnesota Governor Jesse Ventura $1.8 million for a defamation suit he filed against Navy SEAL Chris Kyle. The SEAL, who was killed on a shooting range in February 2013, claimed in a bestselling book that he had punched Ventura in a bar fight after the governor made derogatory remarks about the elite military unit. RT’s Ameera David speaks with Ventura to get his thoughts on the win, as well as the backlash from pushing forward with the lawsuit after Kyle’s death




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Re: To be a hero, you must have honor

What honor is there in suing the wife of a dead man?

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Re: To be a hero, you must have honor

@this-one-time-at-bandcamp wrote:

What honor is there in suing the wife of a dead man?

Yes, scummy thing to do.

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Re: To be a hero, you must have honor


He should have dropped it when he died.

He already has some in the armed forces off side, he is unlikely to be welcomed back with open arms to the SEAL camp now.
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Re: To be a hero, you must have honor

What honor is there in suing the wife of a dead man?

Yes, scummy thing to do.



He didn't sue the wife, he only continued the lawsuit, followed through with it. Lets not forget who the victim in this is, and who lied.



Agree. He should have dropped it when he died. He already has some in the armed forces off side, he is unlikely to be welcomed back with open arms to the SEAL camp now.



I can't believe what I'm reading. I wholeheartedly support Jesse Ventura's choice to continue the lawsuit. HE WAS WRONGED. he should have been vendicated. Someone with no morrals dragged his good name through the mud for their own advancment, to make a name for themself, they had to do so at the expense of another big name. I feel bad for the wife, for her loss of her husband, but not for the loss of what was never rightfully her's. Illgotten gains, gotten at the expense of a good man who actually does have morality.


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