Visiting the Site of the First Atomic Bomb at Gunpoint

Community Member

This place was used to enslave the world, so why not buy the t-shirt and coffee mug and take a selfie while you're there! ?


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Visiting the Site of the First Atomic Bomb at Gunpoint

What a bunch of codswallop..........first of all, there are NO FEMA camps in existence.  Second of all, the entire area is a military base........why wouldn't there be armed guards?  And thirdly, an atomic bomb was never dropped at that was detonated on a tower.


Anyone who thinks that the Japanese people wouldn't have defended their homeland with great ferocity is rather naive about the mindset of 1945 Japan.  The use of atomic weapons conservatively saved over a half million casualties had the Allies been forced to invade.

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Visiting the Site of the First Atomic Bomb at Gunpoint

Oh, they did make refrence to a FEMA camp, I had to watch it a second time. I was like, where is fema camps coming into it? I don't believe they said anything about a bomb being dropped there, They were talking about the two bombs dropped on cities in Japan. Far as the armed guards, one of them used the excuse that they were only there to protect against an armed shooter, but they mentioned there was a checkpoint to get in, so that kinda makes his excuse seem silly and false.


Here are the key points being made by the two doing this story. You can choose to believe or not but it's really only comentary they made durring their visit.


1- The US government did everything they could to drag out the world war only so they could try out their new toys, even refusing to accept surrender from Japan until they had a chance to test the two different kinds of bombs they were working on.


2- They lied about what they were doing there (at the time) not giving fair warning to the "upwinders" who claim they have a series of health problems Cancer being at the top of the list due to the after effects of the test, even if it was on a tower.


3- The Americans have misplaced pride about that place and what it stands for. To the point of treating it like disneyland and making loud coments that would be offensive to any lover of peace.


Now in my opinion, that last part is right on the money, the rest, I don't know but they have the right to voice their views. I see that kind of mindset in the US invasion of Iraq and it don't seem to matter that no WMDs were ever found. What I can't figure out for the life of me is what is this "merca" they mention a few times. Anyhow just thought it was an interesting piece so I shared it. Make of it what you will.

Message 3 of 66
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Visiting the Site of the First Atomic Bomb at Gunpoint

America from the get-go demanded an "unconditional surrender" from the Japanese........there was no offer of surrender from the Japanese in power.  In fact, the Japanese military faction attempted to stop Hirohito when he finally decided to accept the Allies' terms.


Common sense should tell you that "upwinders" would not be affected by fallout..........they were upwind for God's sake!  Just for squits and giggles, who were they going to tell about a weapon so secret that only a handful of people were aware of it.  As an aside, they were not really aware of the effects of fallout at the time.  This was evidenced by the deployment of troops in Hiroshima and Nagasaki during the occupation.


Pride in the accomplishment of designing and building a weapon that shortened the war and avoided tens of thousands of additional casualties (including Australians) is not misplaced.  The two doing this story should spend a little time in the Middle East.


Of course they have a right to their views.......thousands of Americans died or were maimed during that war to guarantee that right.

Message 4 of 66
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Visiting the Site of the First Atomic Bomb at Gunpoint

The Simpsons FEMA Warning


In This Episode from The Simpsons Aired back on (May 16th, 2004)

An accidental photo showing Bart "mooning" the American flag makes the Simpsons the most hated family in town.

I Strongly Recommend to Watch this Entire Episode.

Homer and Marge take the children to get their shots. However, the shot makes Bart's earholes to swell shut, making him temporarily deaf ( Vaccines autism connection? ).

While at church, Lisa speaks her opinion about patriotism, and the Simpsons are taken into custody, in violation of the "Government Knows Best Act". (Patriot Act & Domestic Terrorists) Clearly exposing The Mass Surveillance and citizens targeted for freedom of speech or any strong beliefs that labels you as a threat to the nation (FOR EXAMPLE A BUMPER STICKER SUPPORTING RON PAUL FOR PRESIDENT)

The family are taken to the "Ronald Reagan Re-education Center", which houses Michael Moore, the Dixie Chicks, Elmo (who accidentally went to the wrong fundraiser), and Bill Clinton.
(Re-Education Camps/Relocation Camps/FEMA Camps)




BTW, In my last reply, I said upwinders, I meant downwinders, refer to the video for a more clear picture.

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Visiting the Site of the First Atomic Bomb at Gunpoint

The Link Between The Leaked US Navy Map, Hundreds Of Walmart's Closing, & FEMA Regions

Message 6 of 66
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Visiting the Site of the First Atomic Bomb at Gunpoint

Here we go again.........about every couple of years the "FEMA camp" conspiracy rears its ignorant head.  One CT* claimed that FEMA had activated a former Japanese POW camp in Josephine County, Oregon.  Alas for the nutsos, there never was a POW camp in Josephine County.......additionally they claimed  Sheridan Oregon housed a FEMA camp..........there is a Federal Correctional Institution there, but no slaves.  (check the date and read the comments).......


Search youtube, and you'll find clandestine videos purporting to be of FEMA camps, with coffins being unloaded from railcars.........then look at the dates of the vids.......most of them are from the Bush presidency.



*conspiracy theorist

Message 7 of 66
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Visiting the Site of the First Atomic Bomb at Gunpoint

I thought you seemed a bit touchy about the mention of  "FEMA camp" in that video, so thought I would test that theroy. Bush presidency huh?, WTC and the 9/11 attacks nothing to see here, lets just see about that.


Convince Me 9/11 was NOT an Inside Job


The Bin Laden Fable Is a Contrived Hoax


Jesse Ventura attacked for questioning 9/11 : pt1- 


(911 Was An Inside Job) 

Jesse Ventura debates 9/11-


The Road to Tyranny (2002) 

The dark forces of Global Government are funding, training and protecting terrorist groups worldwide. In this blockbuster which has gained worldwide prestige you will learn the origins and the true story behind 9/11.


True or not, there is unanswered questions, and the atmosphere of not even being allowed to question it without being called as you say, "*conspiracy theorist" Perhaps that why some find it so interesting, forbidden fruit, perhaps that why people do question it so much. Anyone who does actually watch the videos in the above links would have to admit, that it makes a whole lot more sense than say, the official TV news version. But why not, just put it out there and let people decide for themselves?

Message 8 of 66
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Visiting the Site of the First Atomic Bomb at Gunpoint

Sigh..........there have been conspiracy theories since Washington crossed the Delaware.......the great thing about the US is that the nutsos have the opportunity to espouse their particular pet conspiracy, just as the intelligent responders have the right to disagree.  Even FDR has been the subject of conspiracy theories, those claiming he was aware of Japan's plans before Pearl Harbor.


As far as Jesse Ventura's allegations, he claims he was a SEAL.........he wasn't.  I think his use of anabolic steroids has shrunk his brain, as well as other parts.

Message 9 of 66
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Visiting the Site of the First Atomic Bomb at Gunpoint

Sigh..........there have been conspiracy theories since Washington crossed the Delaware.......the great thing about the US is that the nutsos have the opportunity to espouse their particular pet conspiracy, just as the intelligent responders have the right to disagree.  Even FDR has been the subject of conspiracy theories, those claiming he was aware of Japan's plans before Pearl Harbor.


As far as Jesse Ventura's allegations, he claims he was a SEAL.........he wasn't.  I think his use of anabolic steroids has shrunk his brain, as well as other parts.



Sorry to make you sigh, I just find some of these "conspiracy theories" as you call them interesting, and I find the ones I posted more believable than how the official news tells it. I also think Jesse made a valid point about the 19 men with boxcutters taking orders from a bearded man in a cave defeating a multi billion dollar national defense system.


So tell me, in your opinion, is there anything the US government has lied about, anytime they did mislead the people? Are they that squeaky clean? Vice president Cheney, Haliburtin, no bid contracts. Bush (the first one) with all his new world order talk. Waco back in the early 1990s, did the news tell us the truth about those commune folks? What about the two guys you have from eather party, they both seen to be most popular with the people of their respected party and both are saying some pretty outlandish things about corrupt government. You kinda remind me of the dad on "that 70s show" Red I think, when he said "if the US government wants to put a tracking device in your (you know where) You say thank you and God bless America. lol


So I take it you are not a fan of Ed Snowden

Message 10 of 66
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