Voters Fall In Behind Abbott, Coalition

Voter support for Tony Abbott and the coalition is on the rise in NSW, South Australia and Western Australia, according to the latest Newspoll.


However, Bill Shorten and Labor are making strong gains in Queensland and dominate in Victoria.


The September quarter demographic analysis published in The Australian on Tuesday shows men and voters aged over 50 have become the prime minister's main supporters, while the opposition leader's strongest backers are women and under 35s.


Mr Abbott is preferred prime minister by 38 per cent of voters, up one point, while Mr Shorten is preferred by 39 per cent, down two points.


Entire Article Here


Going to be interesting come election time, isn't it?

Message 1 of 28
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Voters Fall In Behind Abbott, Coalition

The Victorian State election is next month, that will be interesting as well   ..... Napthine is NOT a popular boy atm

Message 2 of 28
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Voters Fall In Behind Abbott, Coalition

So Shorten still has a slight lead on Abbott? That's interesting too. It's that I'm not a huge fan of Shorten's it's more of a policy thing
Message 3 of 28
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Voters Fall In Behind Abbott, Coalition

Do you think the Terrorism scare tactics used by Tone, his mates and the Murdoch rag have done the job they set out to do?

Message 4 of 28
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Voters Fall In Behind Abbott, Coalition

It may have had some effect Freddie, I think that was the plan but many see through it too
Message 5 of 28
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Voters Fall In Behind Abbott, Coalition

considering the amount of fear and divisiveness that the abbott govt has been fomenting recently, pretty poor result for them. whats her name credlin was probably expecting a bigger increase in support especially considering where the poll was published.Woman LOL

Message 6 of 28
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Voters Fall In Behind Abbott, Coalition

Newspoll!  They only ring land lines and only during the day and only in certain areas. Hardly a cross section of the population. The old saying of 'lies, damn lies and statistics' is very apt. It tells it's own story when all other polls differ that something is very wrong with this polling. 


Message 7 of 28
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Voters Fall In Behind Abbott, Coalition

Just don't mention the BUDGET
Message 8 of 28
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Voters Fall In Behind Abbott, Coalition

It's called the "Rally Around the Flag" principle - if you are an unpopular leader, involve yourself in a war or even better stage a fake one and watch your popularity ballon temporarily.


I bet he is silently cursing those pesky IS extremists for making him act so soon into his PM-ship instead of at the end when he is going to need it.



Message 9 of 28
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Voters Fall In Behind Abbott, Coalition

Morgan Poll 

6 October


L-NP gains ground on ALP as Australia enters new war in Iraq


In early October L-NP support rose to 47% (up 1.5%) but still trails the ALP 53% (down 1.5%) on a two-party preferred basis.


If an election had been held the ALP would have won according to this week’s Morgan Poll on voting intention conducted with an Australia-wide cross-section of 3,151 Australian electors aged 18+ over the last two weekends.



icy wrote:  Going to be interesting come election time, isn't it?


That is 2 years away, a lot can happen in that time.








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