WELFARE cheats targeted

well heres a suprise, newly elected liberal party has discovered we have welfare cheats that are causing all our problems.


no need to worry about those big businesses not paying tax, they can get all the money they need by attacking the poor


as usual.



Message 1 of 26
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WELFARE cheats targeted

Sorry, David, but only subscribers can read there. Must be an interesting article when they mention organised crime.



Message 2 of 26
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WELFARE cheats targeted

thats odd, when i try the link i get the 'this artical is subcribe to read' thing but when i googled 'welfare fraud' under news the top answer is the story and link to the advertiser. when i click on that i get the story.

Message 3 of 26
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WELFARE cheats targeted

why is it that every time the liberal party gets itself in the poo their first idea is to blame the poor.


scott morrison was on the telly a few days ago with an attack on the welfare recipients. 'too many in this country have their hands out for free money' seems to be his answer to the multi billion dollar deficite the countries in.


yes, there are some in the welfare pool recieving money that shouldnt, but calling everyone cheats is a very cheap shot at the poor.

Message 4 of 26
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WELFARE cheats targeted

After living through a couple of recessions I've become aware of one surprisingly undocumented truth - the harder it is to get a job, the harder they make it to get the dole.

Message 5 of 26
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WELFARE cheats targeted

Of course it's the "welfare cheats" causing Australia's major financial problems. Surviving Living on a few hundred bucks a week is just so easy, everyone want to do it  lol lol  

Message 6 of 26
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WELFARE cheats targeted

Completely outrageous, I think we should just let them eat cake!!! LOL  There are a number of articles around today including one in the Australian that is focusing on young carers getting back into work. I am amazed by the attitude of people out there that honestly buy into the governments agenda and claim that everyone is a bludger. 


I honestly believe that the government is out of touch with reality and I believe they target our most vulnerable because they are a soft target. What amazes me is the fact that our PM can spend frivolous amounts of money on entertainment etc but begrudges some one living below the poverty line a few measly dollars.  We need to raise up some pollies with a conscience in this country, the ones we have are not even worth a vote.

Message 7 of 26
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WELFARE cheats targeted

remember, mal gave that guy begging $5


i bet that makes him sleep well knowing that guy is now wealthy.

Message 8 of 26
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WELFARE cheats targeted

He probably wasted that $5 on food

Message 9 of 26
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WELFARE cheats targeted

give a poor drongo $5 and he'll eat for a day


make him a politician and he'll eat like a king for the rest of his life.

Message 10 of 26
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