What are your thoughts on Jess Ainscough?

She is the young woman with a slow growing (but likely curable) cancer who refused conventional treatment, made money from selling her natural treatment (and from related products like tshirts etc) and lectured and published books about the effectivieness of eschewing traditional medicine etc.


And is now sadly dead.


Personally I think she paid the price for ignorance and did a lot of harm while she lived. Even as she was close to death she made excuses for why her treatment didn't work and encouraged others to continue theirs.


Hopefully her death will be a wake up call to others.



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Re: What are your thoughts on Jess Ainscough?

Community Member

i don't mind when nutcases do the darwin to themselves.


marketing her snakeoil is criminal - but then if someone is stupid enough to believe it i guess it's modern natural selection as well.

Message 2 of 24
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Re: What are your thoughts on Jess Ainscough?

Community Member


Her choice. She is now the recipient of a Self awarded Darwin Award.



IF the alternate treatments had any chance of working, fine, but no basis to that so really, as they said,

she had one option, even if it was a not very nice one.


Plenty of others over the last 10 years are getting on well without arms, shoulders, legs that have

been lost for various reasons etc.


And with modern technology, she probably could have had a titanium shoulder and arm put in,

even if just for looks.



Message 3 of 24
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Re: What are your thoughts on Jess Ainscough?

Ditto those who refuse to vaccinate their children.....https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QgpfNScEd3M






Message 4 of 24
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Re: What are your thoughts on Jess Ainscough?

Her life her choice. If others are that lacking in intelligence to do as she did then so be it. It's nit like she held a gun to their heads and forced them too. Big pharmaceutical companies are doing the same thing with many drugs as they have no independent testing and only publish favourable research.
Message 5 of 24
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Re: What are your thoughts on Jess Ainscough?

Pretty girl. Oops I meant pretty stupid girl. Her mum did the same thing and she didn't learnt the first time. 


But she has the right to do whatever she likes to her body as long as it didn't' tharm others. She harmed others by promoting false treatment and false hope. 


Message 6 of 24
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Re: What are your thoughts on Jess Ainscough?

Steve Jobs went down a similar road.

Message 7 of 24
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Re: What are your thoughts on Jess Ainscough?

but then if someone is stupid enough to believe it i guess it's modern natural selection as well.




I don't think it makes people stupid when they try an alternative - I think they are  most likely desperate.


But this woman really should have kept it to herself and then if  it was succesful, let other people know there is a CHANCE it may help - selling idea's and merchandise that relates to an unproven alternative treatment is foolhardy and in my opinion immoral.


But then, she paid the ultimate price.


You can't please all the people all the time, so now I just please myself

Message 8 of 24
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Re: What are your thoughts on Jess Ainscough?

@2106greencat wrote:

but then if someone is stupid enough to believe it i guess it's modern natural selection as well.




I don't think it makes people stupid when they try an alternative - I think they are  most likely desperate.


But this woman really should have kept it to herself and then if  it was succesful, let other people know there is a CHANCE it may help - selling idea's and merchandise that relates to an unproven alternative treatment is foolhardy and in my opinion immoral.


But then, she paid the ultimate price.

what makes some people think death is the worst thing that could happen?

Message 9 of 24
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Re: What are your thoughts on Jess Ainscough?


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