Why are there still so much hostility towards immigrants?

Almost half of the Aussies want immigration reduced. What is it about immigrants that people dislike or are scared of? What does that say about us in general?

How does increase immigration benefit are harm you specifically?  Is it any immigrants or are you more for or against a particular nationality?



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Re: Why are there still so much hostility towards immigrants?

Australia is rocking along quite nicely without the benefit of the additional 200,000 we would have had to find space for , residential resources allocated , extra infrastructure , reduced natural environments , higher imports of goods , higher benefits allocations , more traffic congestion

Basically we struggle to manage what we have if one looks at desolate urban expansion that violates historic suburban planning principles and trashes existing eco-systems without censure and city pride 

Message 2 of 27
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Re: Why are there still so much hostility towards immigrants?

Your conclusion that it is because they are disliked and Australians are scared of them is unenlightened and wrong IMO. I am confident the reasons are more pertinent to what is/has happened in the country and around the world. There is no need to try and bring racist reasons into this.

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Re: Why are there still so much hostility towards immigrants?

I don't believe it is racist to want our own citizens cared for first


If all Australians had jobs and homes to live in GREAT, but they don't and a  lot of immigrants get government assistance that should be spent on the Australian citizens that are in need.


I couldn't go to live in China and expect thier Govt to fund me or my family.


Years ago countries had restrictions in place that if a certain workforce was needed then people can come into thier country >  say a shortage of teachers or nurses in the UK for instance and many countries still do this.


But us, we just open our doors and wonder why we have Australians living on the poverty lline


My pet peeve is our idiot government bending to the will of all and sundry at the detriment of Aussies and our beliefs/religions. I say Merry Christmas and don't expect to get into strife for it

Message 4 of 27
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Re: Why are there still so much hostility towards immigrants?

Hi kat...


Us wogs arrived here in 1957.


Mum & Dad did not receive any benefits.

Dad received a free train trip to FNQ to cut cane & then to Warragamba Dam construction site to fell trees.

Mum worked in a kitchen at a RSL.

I had a great two years at the Villawood Migrant Hostel...running around with George Young & Harry Vanda... plus a gazillion others. Teachers were supposed to teach us English but when we left & I started at a real school I had a a smattering of half a dozen languages... unfortunately none of them was English... lol


FWIW I agree with what you say.

Message 5 of 27
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Re: Why are there still so much hostility towards immigrants?

Re: Why are there still so much hostility towards immigrants?



@the_bob_delusion wrote:

Almost half of the Aussies want immigration reduced. What is it about immigrants that people dislike or are scared of? What does that say about us in general?

How does increase immigration benefit are harm you specifically?  Is it any immigrants or are you more for or against a particular nationality?



Good subject the_bob_delusion.


There still are remnants of the "White Australia Policy" in the hearts of some people and politicians. There are certain industries that thrived and continue today with their success on the the benefits for them from the WAP.  Certain politicians would not have had a platform to get themselves into office and further such as the senate or PM's seat if not for this foul legacy.


Politicians play on people's fears and phobias to win votes.  Politics is a dirty game! Australia has a shame that rivals that of America, South Africa and Nazi Germany.

Message 6 of 27
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Re: Why are there still so much hostility towards immigrants?

Hey Tuck,

I am an ex-pat Kiwi, Australian citizen and I meant no offence to anyone, my reply was heated mainly because when I think of immigrants I automatically think of those that are attempting (and out Govt is allowing) to change OUR way of life and right to live in our own country in our own way under Aust Law.

As soon as I posted I thought, oh carp, that was harsh, but I couldn't think how to say what I meant.

I get so tired of hearing this particular religion/ethnic group don't agree with this and that in our country, yet if we went to thier country we would not be pandered to, we would be expected to adhere to the laws of thier country, and rightly so.

This is not the immigrants fault - but our government's  fault as it rolls over and plays dead and gives in to these demands, rather than standing up for the Aussie way.


Case in point - Banks / motor bike helmets / burkahs. Now for anyoone out there who chooses to wear your own custom's clothing - you have every right in the world to do so, but for the 'rules and laws of our country' there may be some places you are unable to go dressed as such. Our banks for example do not allow any other face blocking apparel for obvious reasons, but this type of clothig is now acceptable - Why?

As I stated before if I immigrated to thier country of origin I would not be allowed to walk around with my face uncovered, I would be automatically governed by the rules of thier land - why is Australia any different.

Message 7 of 27
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Re: Why are there still so much hostility towards immigrants?

Yes Bob, good subject, well done......as mentioned by ^^^^^


What ?


Message 8 of 27
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Re: Why are there still so much hostility towards immigrants?

Hi kat,


No offence taken... I was simply sharing my experience & agreed with your thoughts.


Is Richie McGaw still standing offside at every ruck?😀


Message 9 of 27
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Re: Why are there still so much hostility towards immigrants?

@the_bob_delusion wrote:

Almost half of the Aussies want immigration reduced. What is it about immigrants that people dislike or are scared of? What does that say about us in general?

How does increase immigration benefit are harm you specifically?  Is it any immigrants or are you more for or against a particular nationality?



Quite often I hear the excuse or the apologist attitude for the bigots demonizing a certain ethnic group or religion being .... "Oh we couldn't just go to their country and get welfare or ... etc. etc." And then I hear .... "They're wanting us to change our way of life".


* Well the first may have an element of truth to it for some countries, but what the heck has that got to do with people escaping oppression or just wanting to come here for a better life? And how does it make them  less worthy than the average Australian or the traditionally accepted familiar-faced immigrant.


* The second is a total lie. It's not them making changes in Australia! They aren't the ones putting drag queens in libraries  to teach 2nd, 3rd, 4th up to 13 different genders to toddlers.  It sure is not them wanting to put up harmful radiation emitting cell-phone towers harming the young! 

The mark of a shallow thinker is their knee-jerk thinking and expression in reaction, laying a blame without looking further at circumstances and the "real truth".  To rely on Murdoch media etc is to rely on someone else's recipe to mold their mind.


I'm not a Muslim and I'll never be one any more would I be Jewish or Catholic. But the majority of them fit into what an Aussie should be, hard working, polite and decent. What a lot people don't realize is that there has been a Muslim history in Australia that goes way back to the "So called" creation of this newly named country. Some died in doing the hard yards,  their part in the "so called" creation. But people are so willing to let their phobia and selfishness be their guide.


Narrow thinking, knee jerk reactions, mindless repeating of urban myths and an unwillingness to look further than skin colour or religion is exactly the stuff that prejudiced and bigoted people get off on. This goes towards pushing the angry psychos to commit horrendous acts like what took place in  Christchurch, March, 2019.


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