Wild weather

It is so cold and windy here. Branches are littered over the road and I wouldn't be surprised if large limbs or whole trees join them. BRRRRR


"There is nothing more; but I want nothing more." Christopher Hitchins
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Wild weather

Stay safe Blue & every other Viccie. There was a bit of a lull this morning so I went out and got some groceries, as you say, the roads are littered with debris. Best not to go out in it at all unless you really have to. We've been lucky in hat we haven't lost power ( touch wood), but lots of other suburbs have.
Message 2 of 32
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Wild weather

You, too, Deb.


"There is nothing more; but I want nothing more." Christopher Hitchins
Message 3 of 32
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Wild weather

The wind was blowing a gale about an hour ago, has eased off at the moment, but it is pouring with rain, mostly heavy and freezing cold!


Seems the coastal parts of Melbourne, copping the brunt of it at the moment.


No trees down here, light has flickered a few times, but we still have power, if the power goes off, then we will have no heating.

Message 4 of 32
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Wild weather

Thanks Blue no way am I going out again, snuggled up inside here with two fluffy cats. There were a lot sirens going on here before, I wonder what happened?
Message 5 of 32
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Wild weather

I found out what happened here, a big branch fell on top of a taxi. On twitter ABC has updates with pics. You should see the Yarra, it's flooding in the city, just over the footpaths so far.

Val, I hope you haven't got any gum trees near your house
Message 6 of 32
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Wild weather

I was out in it earlier today and was so relieved to find that my little car wasn't squashed or blown away. When I got home, my  poor old dog was still  outside and was soaking wet. She's inside now, snoring away. The cats are all snuggled up, too. with one of them on my right arm which makes it hard to type. lol. ifthe power goes off, we'll have no heating either, PH, which would be a good reason to go back to bed.Cat Happy


"There is nothing more; but I want nothing more." Christopher Hitchins
Message 7 of 32
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Wild weather



"There is nothing more; but I want nothing more." Christopher Hitchins
Message 8 of 32
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Wild weather

yarra 1.png


the Yarra in town

Message 9 of 32
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Wild weather

No trees near our house, they are mostly down the back yard, had the close ones taken out.


The wind has stopped blowing here, hope it doesnt come back.


Was anyone hurt in the taxi?


Trouble with gum trees, they can come down anytime.

Message 10 of 32
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