Woolies' Christmas Cash Grab

Woolworths buyers have told suppliers their products could be pulled from shelves just days before Christmas if they refuse to fund the supermarket giant's new Cheap Cheap advertising campaign.


"I was asked for a contribution of almost $1 million, and when I refused to pay I was told a 'range review' was under way and I would be informed of the outcome early next week," said the sales manager of one of Australia's leading health product companies.

"The implied threat is that some of my products will no longer be stocked if I don't pay up."


Fairfax Media can reveal the ACCC has now assigned one of Australia's most experienced investigators to probe claims that Woolworths is engaging in unconscionable conduct by demanding suppliers pay tens of millions of dollars by the end of December.

The team, which is being led by veteran ACCC enforcement manager Alan Ducret, has promised to provide whistleblower protection in return for information from suppliers.


Entire Article Here

So let me get this straight.

In a drive for lower prices to entice customers away from their rivals, Woolworths is asking their suppliers, whom they've already screwed right down to almost unsustainability in the purchasing process, is coming back for another bite, asking their suppliers to now PAY THEM to keep their product on the shelf, in order to close the retailers PROFIT GAP?????




No doubt rival supermarkets are doing something similar.


And who'e doing anything about it?



Message 1 of 11
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Re: Woolies' Christmas Cash Grab

That's why I shop in Aldi, dont like the greedy BIG 2 supermarkets, only go there if I rally have to buy something that Aldi doesn't stock

Message 2 of 11
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Re: Woolies' Christmas Cash Grab

I do my big shop at Aldi as well, Coles for top-ups.


Rarely go to Woolworths mainly only if I've run out of something.

Message 3 of 11
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Re: Woolies' Christmas Cash Grab

I would shop at Aldi but there isnt one near here 😞

Only choices her are Wollies or Coles

 photo walkingdeadtag_zpsbaca2fdd.jpg
Message 4 of 11
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Re: Woolies' Christmas Cash Grab

yeah I know they have the market pretty much stitched up, and the producers prettty much over a barrel. There should be a law against it.

Message 5 of 11
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Re: Woolies' Christmas Cash Grab

There is a law against it.

That;s why Coles just got fined thousands of dollars.

I find it hard to believe Woolworths did this within a week or two of Coles coming out with a mea culpa and copping a fine.

The mind boggles and hopefully the ACCC will be onto them.
Message 6 of 11
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Re: Woolies' Christmas Cash Grab

Are the any Aldi stores in SA? I know they we going to build one in Mount Gambier, but it hasnt happened yet
Message 7 of 11
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Re: Woolies' Christmas Cash Grab

when we submit our monthly tender, we quite often get a phone call saying so and so is offering the same product at a cheaper priice.

never show the competitions tender. just a tool to try and buy cheaper.


we tell them to buy it at the lower price from elsewhere

Message 8 of 11
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Re: Woolies' Christmas Cash Grab


And what do they do ?


Do they come back to you or do they buy it elsewhere ?



BTW, I tend to do the same.





Message 9 of 11
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Re: Woolies' Christmas Cash Grab

I hardly ever go to Woolies, although there is one just round the corner, and is the most convenient for me.  Mainly because they dropped all the brands I used to buy.  I like Burgen bread, but now more often than not it is not there at all and when they have it it is lot more than elsewhere, and yogurt, and dips etc.  Veg & fruit is 2 or 3x as much as in our growers market.  They keep sending me offers "spend $150" and we will give you $20  LOL. 


If they take off the shelf more products they might find more people will shop elsewhere.


Voltaire: “Those Who Can Make You Believe Absurdities, Can Make You Commit Atrocities” .
Message 10 of 11
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