rental question

If you share a house with 2 other people but you pay half the rent then you no longer had access to the double garage where some of your stuff is would you then stop paying half and only pay a 3rd .? Has been no written agreement on who pays what .
Message 1 of 17
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Re: rental question

Depends on what your arrangement were at the start. 

Message 11 of 17
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Re: rental question

@the_bob_delusion wrote:

@hahahavefun wrote:
Yes all 3 names are on the lease . No cars are kept in the Garage as its mostly filled up with their stuff and their pool table . I have a teenage daughter so thought it only fair to pay half as she was using a bedroom but due to the living situation and clashes between her and heraunty ( whom we share house with andaunty is an alcoholic ) my daughter for the last 3 weeks has been staying at her brothers place .

Shouldn't you be paying for 2/3 of the rent i.e for your daughter as well. DOesn't matter if she's there or not. If her tooth brush or anything of hers is there. She's counted as being there. 

What rubbish!
This is mis-information. If your daughter (or anyone) sleeps 4 nights a week or more, at premises on an ongoing basis for more than 12wks, then they are considered living at the premises!

As for your current rental situation, it is obviously not ideal. But we all agree to situations in our life, that are not ideal, (at the time) but perhaps now you might have a bit of a bargaining power to play with.
Considering that you pay  half the rent, you are legally entitled to access to the entire property, locks included.(unless denied access is written into the rental agreement, and this would usually include areas like a locked garden shed belonging to the owner) 

I am sensing that there is a bit of tension in your household and it is esculating which is why they are moving your foods out to a fridge in the garage and then denying you access to the garage?

Firstly, be firm about your stance! You do have a say you know, even if aunty *flo* is an alcoholic!
Dont allow her and the other person to have that power over you. Be strong.


Secondly, seek legal aid for advice. You can even do this over the phone these days.  🙂


Next, inform the real estate in writing. Get it on record of the events that going on. They may not be able to do anything about it, but if the situation gets worse and there is property damage later on, at least there is a record of your side of the events early on.


Then lastly, if you are inclined (and i am always inclined) Play **bleep**-for-tat! If they are locking your food away from you, then i would be pouring their grog down the sink! Hit them where it hurts most! IN THE LIVER!! ... oh i mean, in the back pocket, the back pocket!!   LOL

Any chance you are in a position to move out? For your sanity, you may want to look at that option.


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Message 12 of 17
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Re: rental question

Doesn't matter if she spends every single day at her boyfriends or family's place. If her stuft is still occupying the room. She still has to pay rent. 

Message 13 of 17
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Re: rental question

Hahas daughter is not on the lease......she is no longer living there.
Talk to the other 2 and suggest you want to leave. Talk to the RE and arrange to break the lease.

Message 14 of 17
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Re: rental question

@hahahavefun wrote:
Yes all 3 names are on the lease . No cars are kept in the Garage as its mostly filled up with their stuff and their pool table . I have a teenage daughter so thought it only fair to pay half as she was using a bedroom but due to the living situation and clashes between her and her aunty ( whom we share house with and aunty is an alcoholic ) my daughter for the last 3 weeks has been staying at her brothers place .
It's a shame it hasn't worked out. If I remember correctly you were doing them a favour by getting a house together, as much as benefiting yourself.  As all your names are on lease it is unreasonable of them to deny access to any areas.  They sound selfish and seem to be blaming you for their own inadequacies (ie. alcoholism denial).  
You might need to get out and find yourself a new place or get them out and find a new house mate who doesn't have a drinking problem.

Message 15 of 17
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Re: rental question

Totally unfair to you, but also, you need to wake up!

They are trying to push you out!

They've managed to to drive out your daughter already.

Someone here might be able to give you better advice but I think their intent is obvious.

Message 16 of 17
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Re: rental question

If all three names are on the lease then all of you are jointly responsible for the rental payment.  That is, as far as the landlord is concerned each of you are responsible for all of the rent.  Whatever arrangement you come to regarding paying that rent is your affair.


If you no longer have access to the lounge room, garage, etc, and if your flatmates are moving your stuff without your permission it sounds like your living situation is becoming untenable.  


I have lived in about 20 or so share houses. When flatmate relationships break down they don't get better.  My advice: look into the future.  Do you see your relationship with your flatmates improving.  If not, I think you know what you have to do. 

Message 17 of 17
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