Buyer Contacts me 6 weeks after purchase. Where is my item? I have 100% rating

Ok i have to ask what you think. Ive been having alot of problems in the past couple of months of people trying to have me closed down on ebay. I have a perfect record and most of the time i don't leave feedback until the buyer leaves feedback. 


tonight 6 and a bit weeks after buyer purchases 1 item with value of $6 and $2.55 postage. Where is my item. The location of the buyer is very close to me and i sent on the 28th April. They would have gotten the item 1 day after purchase going from all my other buyers delivery times. 


I have a great record but there are a number of people who want the products i sell because there is a big market for them. I created designs in mind for the Australian Army and they are a great product. Tere have been other ebay badge sellers giving me problems on ebay and on facebook. Trying to get me to trade outside of ebay and multiple people doing so. 



What would you do when someone contacts you after 6 weeks about a badge not showing up. they are anzac badges and this particular badge i do not list at the present. 


Can this person destroy my 100% rating 6 weeks down the track? 



thank you




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Re: Buyer Contacts me 6 weeks after purchase. Where is my item? I have 100% rating

@comclubking wrote:

Ok i have to ask what you think. Ive been having alot of problems in the past couple of months of people trying to have me closed down on ebay. I have a perfect record and most of the time i don't leave feedback until the buyer leaves feedback. 


tonight 6 and a bit weeks after buyer purchases 1 item with value of $6 and $2.55 postage. Where is my item. The location of the buyer is very close to me and i sent on the 28th April. They would have gotten the item 1 day after purchase going from all my other buyers delivery times. 


I have a great record but there are a number of people who want the products i sell because there is a big market for them. I created designs in mind for the Australian Army and they are a great product. Tere have been other ebay badge sellers giving me problems on ebay and on facebook. Trying to get me to trade outside of ebay and multiple people doing so. 



What would you do when someone contacts you after 6 weeks about a badge not showing up. they are anzac badges and this particular badge i do not list at the present. 


Can this person destroy my 100% rating 6 weeks down the track? 



thank you




Are you saying that you think there is a group of people who have it in for you ? Like a Conspiracy ! 

Message 2 of 11
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Re: Buyer Contacts me 6 weeks after purchase. Where is my item? I have 100% rating

You seem to have 2 problems and trying to make them into one.


Parcels do go missing so you can send them with tracking or take the risk and if it doesn't turn up you can send a replacement.


If you have proof of postage you might win a Paypal claim but unlikely to be successful with the ebay MBG


As for your other problem I don't know if you have any proof of a real problem or if you are stark ravng mad so I can't help with that.


I would not presume that the claim is directly related to the conspiracy, but who knows?

Message 3 of 11
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Re: Buyer Contacts me 6 weeks after purchase. Where is my item? I have 100% rating

I'm confused. You say these particular badges are not listed at the moment so there is no problem selling them outside of ebay. You have created a market why wouldn't you want to sell them. As for the person claiming they have not received the item, yes they can leave feedback up to 60 days after the sale. It does sound odd that they are only just contacting you now about it. I would refund them and block them from further purchases on ebay.
Message 4 of 11
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Re: Buyer Contacts me 6 weeks after purchase. Where is my item? I have 100% rating

Wer are always advising buyers to give items plenty of time to arrive and then complaining and seeing something suspicious when they do not report an item as missing straight away.  The buyer probably wasn't waiting with baited breath for the item to arrive and perhapsonly realised it hadn't arrived later in the day.


I certainly see nothing suspicious about a not received claim after 6 weeks, if they were out to scam you why wouldn't they have made a claim after a week or two.


As for it being a close address it is not unknown for items to the next suburb visiting a couple of other states on their journey to the final address.


You eiter send with tracking or you don't and if you don't then you should refund or replace without question.

It says in this book I am reading that by 2065 80% of women will be overweight.

See what a trendsetter I am?
Message 5 of 11
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Re: Buyer Contacts me 6 weeks after purchase. Where is my item? I have 100% rating

yes advising buyers to give plenty of time for arrival but not 6 weeks!!


really you don't see anything sus waiting for 6 weeks when it's only "very close to me" really I could understand 6 weeks for overseas purchases but local NO

Message 6 of 11
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Re: Buyer Contacts me 6 weeks after purchase. Where is my item? I have 100% rating

I have frequently forgotten that I have sent for some small, cheapo item until it has arrived and may qute easily only realise it hadn't after a few weeks. I still say that anyone wanting to falsly claim for such an insignificant amount would have put in the claim much sooner. It is of no consequence anyway if there was no tracking, ifyou think buyers are going to make false claims then you have to pay for tracking if you don't want to refund them.

It says in this book I am reading that by 2065 80% of women will be overweight.

See what a trendsetter I am?
Message 7 of 11
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Re: Buyer Contacts me 6 weeks after purchase. Where is my item? I have 100% rating

the person in question is a very active member of the Army Battalion Facebook group. Those members were all waiting for the finished product to be completed. Its a Army thing. you don't wait 6 weeks for the item when its that person to you. It was for Anzac Day but they ordered on the 27th. Item was sent on the 28th. the person in question has a connection with people who stole my artwork that is in my badge range. they have done alot more than just this 1 thing ive mentioned here. So no iam not making up or being paranoid about the issue. Its real. 


I refunded the money yesterday and blocked the person from buying in the future. 


The network of people on facebook are part of a network of people who sell products with Government Images. My badges are not government but the artwork itself has a value to the Army like no other. The mascot bonds all Soldiers together no matter who they are or where they are from in the world. Its part of who they are. 


on Anzac Day alot of people are walking around with medals on and you would not know who they are. With my badge range. it auto matically, in Australia anyhow, shows other soldiers and those in the crowd who know about the Battalions mascot who they are. If you are a Tiger from 5 RAR or if you are a Pig from 7RAR. 


There is alot to this that i did not mention because i didnt feel the need for it. 



6 and a bit weeks later is a complete joke. why? its not some everyday product you don't care much about. Its your connection to the people you served with in the Armed Forces.  


I spent 2 years of the design research. mascot research, finishing designs, producing badges and marketing them. The project was a big 1 and ive made heaps of donations this year. 


If it was 2 weeks later i would understand. but over 6 weeks. I saw this person active on facebook in the very group i was creating the badge for. recently. then i made a post after them. i did not have a conversation with the person but the person knows who iam on facebook and ebay. his mate wants me out of the community so he can then do what iam doing. If you read my faacebook feedback. its perfect. read a few more feedbacks than the last few. 



I have a Set of Designs copywrite to me. These designs can make a hell of alot of different products. Its a dog eat dog world this Anzac and merch game. My badges were created so people could have a product on Anzac Day but not created with Anzac Day in mind. they do sell all year but mostly before Anzac Day and Remembrance Day. long tan day also. 



thanks for everyone's replies. I don't think you understand it all but its a very good product. quality and affordable. If this were 1 of my other badges i would be in 2 minds. its just this badge and who it represents, the people who have caused me more problems than you can point a stick. the buyer all come from the same little click on facebook and Army. 


also the person in question has only purchased 2 items on his entire ebay history. 

Message 8 of 11
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Re: Buyer Contacts me 6 weeks after purchase. Where is my item? I have 100% rating

refunded and blocked. items taken off because of stock levels. person in question is part of a wider network of people who have caused me alot of problems in the past 10 weeks. my items for sale represent the entire Australian Army. Except 4 Battalions i have not completed yet. Its all about the artwork on them and it being copywrite to me. a number of people want to market my designs and have already taken it for there own use and sold other products on facebook with my artwork. 

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Re: Buyer Contacts me 6 weeks after purchase. Where is my item? I have 100% rating

you see there are Servicemen and then Civillians. Iam a Civi and they are EX-servicemen. Ex-servicemen that stole my artwork in the recent months to put on other products. the artworks in question are copywrite to me. IP is mine. 


when i say iam a civi. I have a very long line of service in my family. My father who is my carer is a real Combat Vietnam Veteran. I have over 10 in my family and more who are related by marriage. 


when you say do i think, no i don't think. i know because there was a Hate Speech Campaign on facebook that lasted over 4 weeks from a mate of this buyers. to destroy my credibility and repuatation. If you view my feedback on eveything you will not see any problems with delivery, product quality, service, communication. its all perfect. I became a power seller very early from my levels of feedback. 


It does not matter the value of the item here. Its the fact they can contact 6 and a bit weeks down the track, not say a word on ebay or facebook or other communication methods. then come up with this story the item did not turn up. would that not effect my rating? all over $6 badge. 


Ive had a few people in past 2 months try and send me messages on ebay, say hey mate, i sent you money on paypal, remember we talked about it on facebook. here is the comfirmation of payment. sending messages like that to me on ebay. then thanks i look forward to getting item. this is outright bull**bleep** tactics to have me get into **bleep** on ebay. (i re-funded that blokes payment in a heart beat and blocked them aswell)  why would they want to shut me down? because ebay has a wider network than facebook. Many of the badges were designed and approved on facebook groups with members of each battalion from the Australian Army. then you have people who know its possible if i get shut down on ebay it will stop my proggesion with the products in question. Its all about the artworks here. Intellectual Properties. 



these people have service medals and walk around on Anzac Day. you think they have some kind of honour but they don't. there is no common respect to other Anzac Families. Ive got a lot of health problems and i do this not for money but for therapy and the greater good. some kind of contribution to the Australian Army on my behalf. 



there is not much more to say. i do have 1 question. Would this person be able to effect my 100% rating? i refunded so they can't make any feedback correct?  Lets say i did send the item, what is stopping them from giving me the lowest rating possible to change my star rating. I know they got there item. I just know it. 

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