Buyer wants refund because it dosent work on him

Hi there

This product is not useful at all will I get my refund , tried many time not helping at al


I have replied with

Not all products work on everyone but this is a very good one. Its all about trying and buying if you have used the product maybe you have used it wrong there is a u tube video with a helpful guide type in Max Control Prolong Male Delay Spray Demonstration

I bought an arousal gel once because friend said it was good didnt work for me tried another suggested one and it did so thats the one I buy all the time now I had to try a couple before found what works for me.. These type of products never guarantee because everyone is different the fact the spray has the numbing or desensitizing agents in it the item is as described but just doesnt work for you You should may try another brand there are lots on the market you are the first person to have questioned its worth It contains lidocaine so it must be you not the spray as such

This is not like an electric good its

Prolong Spray Male Desensitising Delay Desensitiser


I have no more stock but was getting some in this week every one has been happy


How will this work if they do a dispute?? Any help Please

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Re: Buyer wants refund because it dosent work on him

Topical Lignocaine (Lidocaine) only has an affect for about 15 minutes (give or take). If he wants to delay longer than that then he may have to reapply.


I doubt he'd win a dispute because you have mentioned that results vary. You're not making guarantees.

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Re: Buyer wants refund because it dosent work on him

can't help you with any advice about arousal gels swanduck, but I do recall getting excited about some of your products early last year.


From memory, another member liked them too and offered . . . . . . well . . . . . I am not allowed to say more as that is against board posting policy.  Suffice to say though, thanks for posting on the AP thread last year. Smiley Wink Smiley Wink Smiley Wink

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Re: Buyer wants refund because it dosent work on him

@swanduck2015 wrote:



How will this work if they do a dispute?? Any help Please

For products such as those, I suspect it will primarily come down to what kind of claims are made in the listing description, which I have read, and you have indicated that results will vary. It may be worthwhile clarifying that further if you relist, though I suspect the wording (depending on how thorough you want to be) would likely have to be delicate (by which I mean, sure it may desensitise, but even if that works, it's not a guarantee someone will last longer, as such.... o_O' ). 


I'd be covering all bases, myself. Err, figuratively. Making it clear it's a recreational product, not a medicinal one, and that the degree of sensitivity reduction can range to very mild to... whatever is the most you're prepared to say at the opposite end of the spectrum. And / or mention that in some cases, the product will be ineffective. I know that's not wholly conducive to trying to sell a product, but it depends on what kind of issues you want to mitigate. 

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Re: Buyer wants refund because it dosent work on him

Topical Lignocaine (Lidocaine) only has an affect for about 15 minutes (give or take). If he wants to delay longer than that then he may have to reapply.


I doubt he'd win a dispute because you have mentioned that results vary. You're not making guarantees.

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