Drop Shipping

Hi Ebay Nebies here. My Daughter and I are looking to get started in Drop Shipping. How do I find a reputable reliable DS company? Any suggestions - tips etc?

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Drop Shipping

Honored Contributor

Don't know about reputation or reliability


But google - drop shipping business opportunities australia


Seems to be plenty there


Also try Gumtree - drop shipping businesses for sale

Message 2 of 10
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Drop Shipping

Honored Contributor

Have you had any experience on ebay on another ID or is this the only ID you have?


How much do you know about dropshipping?


There are probably some reputable and reliable suppliers out there but they can be few and far between.


It is your reputation on the line when you dropship.   If the supplier lets you down it is you that will feel the wrath of your customers and have to refund the money...even if you have paid the supplier.  Sellers have gone broke on ebay from dropshipping.

Message 3 of 10
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Drop Shipping

@3greenbeenz wrote:

Hi Ebay Nebies here. My Daughter and I are looking to get started in Drop Shipping. How do I find a reputable reliable DS company? Any suggestions - tips etc?

hey there greenbeenz, I'm just curious about where you read/heard about drop-shipping?


You are newbies, but you sound like you are prepared to dive into the deep end.  I'm wondering if you have read a book by Matt and Amanda that tells how they turned their life around and never have to 'work' another day in their life.

Message 4 of 10
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Drop Shipping

Oh dear, if the OP has been reading Matt and Amanda's Fairy Tales I can only advise them to have a look on the boards at the thread about their system.  There are more dissatisfied customers than satisfied.

I hope they did not pay for the system.


3greenbeenz, I would strongly suggest that you carry on as you are for the time being...selling items that you have around the house.

You have 22 completed listings for just 2 sales and a lot of sellers would tell you that is good for ebay at the moment.

Sales are very slow and don't seem to be picking up in the run up to Christmas.

Message 5 of 10
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Drop Shipping

DROPSHIPPING...... Very high risk. Even higher for those new to online retailing.

Especially "dropping" from overseas.

Take it easy.....get some experience.......sell what you have/can.

Read the boards. Look, learn, listen from those that have been there.


Personally I only sell what I stock. Works for me...... 

Message 6 of 10
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Drop Shipping

Hi Guys thanks for the replies. Yes my Daughter and I did buy off Matt & Amanda. So feeling ripped off is definately the word.

I'm surprised Ebay let someone do what they are doing (ripping people off). 


Britney and I are total newbie's. I think we have been operating nearly three months now.


Paid 5grand for the M&A Dream and have been wondering just what the heck is going on. So glad we didn't give the day jobs away.....

Message 7 of 10
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Drop Shipping

In fairness, when Matt and Amanda started on ebay and wrote their Fairy Tales, ebay was a different scene.

It was possible (I would not say easy) to set up as a seller and make a decent living if you worked hard.


Jumping in at the deep end with drop shipping is definitely not the way to go.


Start small....sell items from around the house until you get a feel for ebay.  Do not spend money on stock until you are sure ebay selling is for you.   It is not as easy as it looks and the new rules that have been introduced in the last 12 months or so are making things even harder than they need to be for sellers.

Message 8 of 10
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Drop Shipping

My suggestion is to look at what your local Op shops have that you have some idea of value for. Work from that. If you see a definite bargain, buy it. Don't do auctions unless you cannot find true value. Build from that. With time your knowledge/expertise in your chosen field/s will increase and you should be able to make more astute purchases.


I sell books, buy at a max of $1, and sell for $5+. Which can be marginal taking eBay/Paypal fees and postage costs into account (and my time), but I get turnover and from a small start 7 years ago at least cover my phone and internet fees. Plus get a TRS against my name.Smiley LOL

Message 9 of 10
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Drop Shipping

Be aware that ebay is a "moving target" so to speak.

They change their rules and regulations constantly and the changes may not be to your liking or profitability.

One of the hardest parts is adapting to this.

 At some point you will feel set up, prepared, have stock and your target market in sight.

Then along comes ebay with a great big spanner to throw in the works........

Whether this is allowing greater exposure to OS sellers or merging categories, something is always changing.

Message 10 of 10
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