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Follow up to habitual neg feedback buyer.

Hi Guys, sorry for starting a new thread on this  - I wasn't sure if I should just post this on the original post but I am hoping you can help me again.
Hopefully you regular posters remember my dilemma earlier this week with the discrepancy over the shoe measurements with a buyer who is a habitual negative feedback leaver.


Well this evening  I am just so angry!

Buyer won paypal case and returned shoes - I have just opened the package and measured them.


There is absolutely no doubt that they measure EXACTLY what I posted in the listing. 26cm.  

NOT 25 - 25.5 as she claimed in the paypal dispute.

I even went and found another tape measure just to double check that my tape wasn't faulty - lol


So this buyer has lied to Paypal, received a refund and left me negative feedback - when in fact the item was exactly as described in the listing ๐Ÿ˜ž


Do you think I should appeal the paypal decision through the paypal website or would I have better luck by ringing them tomorrow?

Any help with responding to her feedback would also be helpul - I certainly know that the time to leave feedback is definitely not whilst I feel as emotionally charged as I do right now - lol.


Thanks ๐Ÿ™‚

Message 1 of 23
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Follow up to habitual neg feedback buyer.

Dont leave feedback till you have thought about it for a few days.. and considered all the repercusions. She might find a way to do more damage.. but when you do leave feedback, please name her so I can put her on my block list!

Message 2 of 23
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Follow up to habitual neg feedback buyer.

I'm so sorry to hear about your dilemma and about the negative feedback.   I did read the post when you 1st put it up. It would be great that when you do respond to her Negative left for you that you put in User name, so others can then put her on their "Special List" ๐Ÿ™‚ 


Message 3 of 23
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Follow up to habitual neg feedback buyer.

Oh i just see your new dot of blood.I remember that post about this critter so it's no shock Smiley Sad


Don't do the reply if you think you will win a neg reversal 'cos they are more reluctant than usual to remove it if you reply to it.Best not to do it while you are rightfully mad anyway.When you do remember to write her user name into the reply so that others looking at your fb can judge for themselves that her fb is unfair.


If you write "serial neg leaver look at her fb left for others" no-one can look at anything.If you do something like "dresscode2479 the measurements were given in the listing" it makes you look more credible & others can check her out.Just an example,others will suggest better Smiley Happy


Lucky you got your shoes back anyway.If you are game for shoes again it might be safer to take a pic with the tape measure somehow showing it in cm to cover your butt in a dispute with people with ugly long troll toes.


Message 4 of 23
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Follow up to habitual neg feedback buyer.

I would ring Paypal, and ask to speak to a super.


Do not respond to feedback left yet, wait until you sort this out with Paypal.

Message 5 of 23
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Follow up to habitual neg feedback buyer.

I would take pics of your tape measure of the shoe, in fact both different tape measures. I would contact paypal & ebay offering your own photographic evidence. I also agree with the poster who recommended you speak to someone in a position of authority.


This is a disgraceful outcome for an honest hardworking thorough Seller.

I hope you ultimately get some justice.


Message 6 of 23
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Follow up to habitual neg feedback buyer.

I agree.

Don't go down without a counter attack (albeit polite).

State your case, show the evidence. You can say okay, the shoes are back but you expect the negative dot removed and your out of pocket expenses reimbursed by paypal because they made a mistake.


Leave your follow up feedback till after that but someone who answered above had the perfect wording for a reply.


I am staggered that someone could expect money back, even if you HAD been out by half a cm. I've bought shoes before on ebay and had the situation where they were not an ideal fit, but I still gave positive feedback because it is one of the risks you take with shoes or clothing, that it might not be 100% right. Every body and foot is a little bit different.

A big discrepancy, yes, that would be cause to complain, but not a very minor one.

Message 7 of 23
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Follow up to habitual neg feedback buyer.

Just got off the phone to Paypal:-
"We are not an insurance company and we do not have claims specialists.  If a buyer initiates an IND claim will will ask them to send it back for a refund. You have the shoes back, go ahead and re-sell them."


I tried to explain to the lovely gentleman that it had nothing to do with money - the issue I have is that the buyer told blatant lies and made a fraudulant claim with Paypal. She gets away with this and then tarnishes my reputation with more lies.

He then suggested that I contact E-Bay about feedback removal as "they are really good about that"
Ha ha ha ha ha - still laughing about that.

Next step -----------------??????????????????  coffee!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Message 8 of 23
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Follow up to habitual neg feedback buyer.

What to do about it...? Seriously consider buying a punching bag. No really, its great for that.


I've had similar things happen... and yeah they are great at cheerfully suggesting "well feel free to ..."  try to retreive whatever you can from the mess they have created, when they are at fault, and have screwed you up again. 


eBay is like that, always has been really.


My commiserations, and yup, its a real [female dog]  having to deal with this kinda thing.


Seriously... punching bag. Get a well stuffed one thats not too hard too so you don't hurt your wrists, cos that would make it really hard to type ๐Ÿ™‚



Message 9 of 23
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Follow up to habitual neg feedback buyer.

@dresscode2479 wrote:


Next step -----------------??????????????????  coffee!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Strong coffee with a big dash of Brandy.....or whatever your preference is. And that's coming from someone who despises coffee!


I would definitely be contacting eBay and asking to speak to a supivisor about getting the feedback removed. It may take several phone calls before you get someone who doesn't read straight from a cheat sheet. Make sure you name the buyer and insist they look at the buyers feedback left for others so they can see there is a pattern.


If all else fails, yes, reply to the feedback, making sure you add their username so other sellers can see what she's up to. I looked at the listing and they aren't even enclosed shoes, so not sure what difference 1/2 a cm would make. She's nothing more than a serial pest who will continue to destroy people's ability to sell.....because she thinks she can get away with it.


I would reply with something like "The exact size was in the listing. <username> negs everyone"....or something to that effect.


Good luck. Please keep us updated.

Message 10 of 23
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