Help, what have I done??!!

I hadn't looked at the forum for a few hours, so my login timed out, as it always does. When I logged back in, all the messages are jumbled up.They are normally sorted so the newest message, or last replied message is at the top and they run in order like that. Now I have threads from several minutes ago, to yesterday, to last week, just in random order.


I've been through my settings and it doesn't appear that anything has changed and from what I can see, the right boxes are ticked or unticked.


Some of the messages that are showing from 'yesterday' are highlighted blue, indicating I haven't read them. I regularly read the forums (I'm on annual leave at the moment) and usually read every message, yet these ones I haven't seen, which makes me think they aren't really from yesterday.


Does anyone have any suggestions on how I can get the messages back in order so the newest is back at the top again? Yes, I am definitely logged in and I even logged out and logged back in again!



Message 1 of 11
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Help, what have I done??!!

I think this is a Lithium thing... Some of these threads were originally in another section of the forum, and they get moved to the Buying or Selling forums, but instead of taking their rightful place in the forum based on posted times in the actual thread, they seem to count as new threads or latest posts based on when they were moved. 

Message 2 of 11
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Help, what have I done??!!

Ahhh, OK, that would probably explain why I hadn't seen these ones from 'yesterday'. One example was the post about selling adults only items and another regarding instant feedback.


Thanks! I hope that's all it is!

Message 3 of 11
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Help, what have I done??!!

It's also freaky Friday.  (maintenance)

image host
Message 4 of 11
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Help, what have I done??!!

@i-love-my-sheep wrote:

Ahhh, OK, that would probably explain why I hadn't seen these ones from 'yesterday'. One example was the post about selling adults only items and another regarding instant feedback.


Thanks! I hope that's all it is!

I was scratching my head about that also as it's from August.

Message 5 of 11
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Help, what have I done??!!

A reply in that thread suggests it was originally posted in...


The Motors forum.








Smiley LOL

Message 6 of 11
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Help, what have I done??!!

In the last 24 hours a lot of has **bleep** has gone down . I only just got back on after 24 hours. karma is giving eBay a good dose. In 2 months time we will hear all about how eBay was hacked into , like before.

Message 7 of 11
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Help, what have I done??!!

The stuff with the forum threads happens all the time, I guess this time around there was a backlog of threads to be moved... Maybe a mod can help clarify that?


The eBay sign-in etc debacle yesterday was also not the first time that exact issue has affected the site. Twice in recent memory - usually on a Friday when the normal scheduled maintenence takes place - I have attempted to sign into My eBay only to be told my account / user ID doesn't exist, there's even probably an old thread of mine about it somewhere if it survived the changeover to Lithium. 


I don't think eBay gets hacked every Friday and their site maintenence is a ruse to cover it up, and these sorts of glitches have long since gone hand in hand with site maintenence, so if it helps any, I don't think there's great cause for concern or panic just yet. 

Message 8 of 11
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Help, what have I done??!!

Not to say there was anything untoward...but the sign in issues happened for some starting Wednesday. So Freaky Fridays and Whacky Wednesdays for eBay this week.


Buttercup: You mock my pain! Man in Black: Life is pain, Highness. Anyone who says differently is selling something.
Message 9 of 11
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Help, what have I done??!!

I know, I just mentioned the regular site maintenence because whenever something like this happens on a Friday it's generally accepted as being part and parcel of site maintenence. But Fridays are just the routine maintenence days, so outside of that it seems to cause a bit of I just wanted to mention it's perfectly feasible for them to do other things on other days, causing a few hiccups. 

Message 10 of 11
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