Holiday Mode

I am going overseas for a couple of weeks in a weeks time. I have tried to arrange my auctions so that they end a few days before I go, however it is possible that I may have miscalculated. Is there any way in which I can a) suspend my auctions, or b) bulk unlist them so that I can relist them when I return? Ending them individually is time consuming.

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Re: Holiday Mode

What we also do ( in case of slow payers ) is bulk edit the handling time to 10 days for a 2 week break.
Such a shame we can't 'pause' listings.


Cosmologically speaking we are all little more than a bacterial film on a soft rock hurtling through an unimaginable void.
Don't take it all too seriously.
Message 11 of 12
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Re: Holiday Mode

I arranged things so that all my auctions ended a few days ago. I will relist them when I return.

Message 12 of 12
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