How do you cancel a transaction without getting a defect?

Good afternoon~



If an order was refunded, the next step is to cancel transaction, right?


Now, I wonder which reason will land a defect on my account and which will not?



"ran out of stock" / "sold to someone else"  these 2 are no-brainers


"other reason" also counts as a defect, which I found out the hard way...



"Buyer changed mind" will NOT cause a defect, I guess.



Then what about the rests....?


Please share some experience.




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Re: How do you cancel a transaction without getting a defect?

I had to cancel one last week and selected the 'other' option and didn't get a defect for it.

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Re: How do you cancel a transaction without getting a defect?

Watch out! I was given a defect for a cancellation on one occasion, but not on other occasions.

The purchaser asked me to instigate the cancellation, and I agreed because they had a good reason...nothing to do with me..basically they had changed their mind.

I know I keep harping on about his, but buyers cannot instigate a cancellation as yet.

If a buyer does it may attract a defect.

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