Member behaviour standards dropping?

A few months ago I decided to have a clutter clearout at home, an annual thing for me so decided to list about a dozen items for sale on Ebay.

My items are always listed at prices well  below what other sellers ask for the same items.

This tactic used to guarantee a quick sale and lots of interest from buyers.

Despite this only half my items have sold and with one exception sold for absurdly low prices, practically free.

Worse still I have received lots of bogus "offers" from members who wanted the more valuable items for maybe 10% of their real value.

And lastly I have experienced a dramatic increase in non paying bidders for the items that did get a bid.

I'd summarise the situation such that the buyers/bidders that are cruising Ebay currently are there to steal and if they can't steal they sabotage auctions with bids they have no intention of honouring

This apalling behaviour on the part of so called buyers goes unchecked by Ebay who at worst issue a slap on the wrist to such deadbeats.

I no longer view Ebay as a useful way to sell anything 😞



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Member behaviour standards dropping?

@dodge_ute wrote:


My items are always listed at prices well  below what other sellers ask for the same items.

This tactic used to guarantee a quick sale and lots of interest from buyers.



If you try again, I would suggest a different tactic, these days low prices will bring out the tyre kickers, flippers and other bargain hunters who have no genuine interest in the item but rather in getting something for cheap, plus often gives people the impression there's probably something wrong with the item. 


eBay has shifted away from a place of quick bargains to much more of a retail site, and I think you will find that genuine buyers are more attracted to listings where the seller has valued the item at a price that's good, but not at a point where people start to wonder why it was priced so low. 


Auctions also tend to attract people with eyes bigger than their wallets (i.e. it ends in a week, I can pay for it then, then a week later something's come up, etc), so I would consider buy it now listings, with perhaps make an offer enabled if you have room to negotiate. 

Message 2 of 28
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Member behaviour standards dropping?

", I would suggest a different tactic,"


My selling tactic was not developed yesterday but as a result of trying all methods including your suggestions over the years.

Nothing I ever sold was sold with a buy it now button.

Items listed at true market value similar to other members prices were usually ignored by buyers.

Then I tried the low starting price tactic (years ago).

Buyers flocked to the item. True the cheapskates  were hoping it would sell for the starting price but it rarely did.

And I do know Covid has cut buyer numbers and prices too but I allowed for that with my opening prices.

Nobody could imagine my items were cheap because they were rubbish.

Its simple. I'm not a greedy bugger. I aim for win/win.

My descriptions and pics are as explicit and accurate as you would find on any listing on Ebay.

No the problem is not with my seller tactics.

I stand by my conclusion regards member quality or rather lack of it.

Ebay is largely to blame. They let anybody join without checks or balances these days and once the bad guys are in they are free to loot and pillage.

Ebay sees to it that the crimes of the bad guys are kept secret.

Its outrageous that sellers can't leave anything but positive feedback.



Message 3 of 28
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Member behaviour standards dropping?

My post was not a criticism of you or what you've been doing.


It was to point out that trends shift. Buyer needs, preferences and behaviours shift. If you don't want to entertain the possibility that shifting with them might work better for you, that's up to you, but a "no, I have decided everyone else is wrong" position is clearly not working for you. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


Message 4 of 28
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Member behaviour standards dropping?

In the early days of Ebay I did really well from auctioning. Whilst it still has its place on Ebay, I've changed direction and found it far better to just have my items with a BIN price and Immediate Payment activated.  Haven't worried about a non-payer for 6 years and I get the price I want.


As an Aussie maker and seller of soft furnishings, my prices are well above the offerings of other similar sellers and my shop has grown each year since 2015. My time and effort is valuable and that reflects in the price of my items. I have had over 5000 transactions and produced approximately 10,000 handmade items - there is no way I would ever auction my items for minimum price.


If you put up something for a dollar and you only get one bid, you can hardly blame the buyer! It's just a plain waste of time and effort. Might as well just chuck it in the bin or donate it.


Message 5 of 28
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Member behaviour standards dropping?

As an aside - you have 3 chairs relisted.


The pic shows only one angle of one chair and it's not even one of the chairs that is actually for sale.


This is against ebay policy.


If it's a 2nd hand item, You must have a pic of the actual item, so buyers can see what they're actually bidding on.  And more than one would be ideal for furniture.


Picture policy | eBay


If your camera is not working - borrow one.     Buyers don't always read your blurb

Message 6 of 28
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Member behaviour standards dropping?

Firstly I accept that the advice I received was well intended.

I'm not trying to sell new merchandise at full retail prices, buy it now.

I have been trying to sell used items so its apples and oranges.

I'd agree Ebay is rapidly changing from an auction site to a retail online store where you go to buy new items at retail prices.

To summarise the advice I received all I have to do to sell my stuff is advertise my items at drastically higher prices with a buy it now button.

So when my auction listings end in a few days I will do that but firstly I must wait for the two current non paying bidder cases to expire/finalise.

Will the items sell at four times the current price and to a buyer who will actually pay???

If anything sells using your method all proceeds from such sales will be donated to the RSPCA.

I'll let you know how much the puppies got.


Message 7 of 28
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Member behaviour standards dropping?



I'm a buyer only. From that perspective, I would encourage you to take note of the suggestions posted in this thread. I agree with imastawka's comments about your listing for 3 chairs.


You need to upload photos of the actual chairs you are selling. That's not negotiable. You should ideally include several photos showing all three, different angles, etc.


Also,  the line in your description about ❝Relisted because of delinquent non paying prank bidder❞ is not a good idea. I realise that you are frustrated by non-paying bidders, but that sort of comment (in my opinion, as a buyer) only puts off genuine buyers. Buyers do not care about the personal details of your relisting; it's irrelevant and unprofessional-looking.


Your mentioning that the Pello chairs are currently retailing for $79 each is good. That's a strong selling point.

Mentioning other chairs that look very similar is not a good selling point. In particular, you're almost steering people away from your chairs by mentioning the "more expensive Poang"!

It's irrelevant that the Poang ❝has a more complicated all timber frame and is available in a range of colours❞. You are not selling the Poang. Don't even mention the Poang. Just describe your chairs, fix the photo issue, and you should hopefully get some interested buyers.


Have you set up your Buyer Requirements? This will help to weed out some of the persistent bad buyers.


Message 8 of 28
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Member behaviour standards dropping?

"if your camera is not working - borrow one. Buyers don't always read your blurb"


I have a new camera and will replace the pic in question not that it will make any difference to the outcome.

I'd agree so called "buyers" frequently don't read, remember nor understand the item description and whose fault is that?

I blame the morons that can't/won't read the description.

Don't suppose you noticed that many of the members that list similar used Ikea items for sale have borrowed the pics of new stock from the Ikea website?

I at least borrowed a good pic of an identical used item and told the buyers it was not my item but was identical and in close to new condition.

Message 9 of 28
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Member behaviour standards dropping?

I'm not here to check all listings of IKEA chairs.


But you're here, so I checked yours.    



Just make sure you take close up pics of any stains / tears etc.


I'd take the Countess' advice re mentioning the other brand - they might go looking and forget about yours.

Message 10 of 28
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