My one Ebay wish....

If Ebay was able to grant me one little wish it be be this -


Please let me add variations to a listing, even after I have already completed it.


Having listed so many items over the last few months, I now find that I get a lot of requests for items in different sizes. I would love to be able to just go back into the listing and add a size variation, rather than having to create a whole new listing!


Anyone else have a special wish?

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Re: My one Ebay wish....

This bugged me too, but I found a work-around. (Or, at least there used to be -  it's been a little while since I created a listing like this, so if anything's changed it may not still be possible). 


When you create a new listing for a single item that can have variations added at a later date, use the variation format but only make the single size available (once you create at least 2 variations, there's a screen where you can remove some from the listing. If it doesn't allow you to do it via the creation process, it should allow you to remove a variation once the listing has been submitted, as you can remove variations as long as there hasn't been a sale for that particular variation, so as soon as the listing is live, you can go back in and edit).


My wish is the ability to remove variations after they have sold. Some items I can't restock, but I can for the other variations and I don't want to end a popular item to start all over, and I think it's a really bad look to have an option that's permantly out of stock, since it gives the impression it will be restocked in the future. 

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Re: My one Ebay wish....

Yes this would be our wish as well. As the vast majority of our listings have size & colour variations.

The ebay variations manager is so very cumbersome and flaky to use. A bit like the whole site really!!

We invariably have to end the item and relist with new variations to add/delete variations.

But of course we lose our sales history in doing that.

I've even tried calling the so-called "gurus" (CSR) and that is what they suggested as well.


We have hit a limit of variation combinations as well. The total is colours x sizes for example.

There is a limit but I don't know what it is off the top of my head.

When you hit that limit it seems to cause some kind of crash where you have to restart all over again.


On our BigCommerce website its very simple to manage via Excel CSV files. And we have not found the limit yet.


And Shopify was even simpler with a simple drag & drop and bulk edit system, but they also had a limit on the total as well which we were forever hitting, so we changed to BigCommerce.

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