No Sales on ebay

whats going on with sale on ebay there droping ever day i'm down to 3-4 sales a day now was 15 -20 a day this time last year 

Is anyone else having the same problems Is getting really really frustrating I noticed eBay are giving more deals to the big Boys discount there items 40% to 50% percent

Message 1 of 22
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No Sales on ebay

Same Here- sales have quartered, for me. I have increased the no. of items I'm selling by approx.1/3 - soon as I did that my sales dropped by 3/4s. This time last year people were starting to Xmas shop. But NO sign of that happening. Any others finding this?

Message 2 of 22
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No Sales on ebay

ALSO - Does ANYONE know what's happened to "RELIST UP TO 3 TIMES FOR FREE" - I'm not getting offered that anymore. That has made my monthly shop costs skyrocket. Anyone still getting the offer? Thanks

Message 3 of 22
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No Sales on ebay

hey  is been going down all year it may be time to start spending the same about as the ebay fee's on SEO  if this keeps up 


Message 4 of 22
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No Sales on ebay

Xmas shopping shouldn't start until after Halloween (31st Oct)
Just like they shouldn't put easter decorations out so early.


Message 5 of 22
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No Sales on ebay

Yes we are down about 50% compared to the same time last year.


But B&M stores are feeling this too. I think people are nervous about spending.

Message 6 of 22
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No Sales on ebay

@annies_fancy_dress wrote:

Xmas shopping shouldn't start until after Halloween (31st Oct)
Just like they shouldn't put easter decorations out so early.


The last few years Easter eggs and hot cross buns have been available here from Boxing Day onwards. It's ridiculous. You can't even get over one event before the next one is shoved in your face. Some people do like to start very early for Christmas. There are houses all over the place here that have had their Christmas lights on since mid September. Some of those places have big front windows and the Christmas tree is right in the middle of the window, complete with wrapped presents stacked high under it. There are other places that do all the Christmas light thing and they start decorating from early September, but they don't actually turn them on until Dec 1. It takes them that long to get everything set up and ready.


My sales have been up and down. I had a couple of weeks where it was quite wishy washy and the last 2 weeks has picked up again. Still nothing to rave about, but enough to keep me going. I don't depend on this income though, eBay is just money to cover the bills so that more of my regular job earnings can stay in my pocket. I always seem to do better after the 100 free listing promotions. I also always seem to do better if I have over 100 active listings. Once it drops below 100 things die off. I have no idea why that is, but it's always been that way for me. I run auctions that also have a BIN option, so not even like I depend on best match rankings. People looking for auctions generally search by time ending soonest.

Message 7 of 22
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No Sales on ebay

I'm still getting it...but you don't if you run a 'business'
Message 8 of 22
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No Sales on ebay

 There are no insertion or advanced listing upgrade fees for automatically relisting this item. This relisting won't count against monthly free-insertion-fee limits. Final value fees still apply. Selling Manager automation rules take precedence if used to relist and applicable selling fees for each relist will apply.
Message 9 of 22
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No Sales on ebay

Thanks Twyngwyn for posting that -  Could you please tell me where that appears . I dont get that anywhere when I'm listing something (or relisting) 😞

Message 10 of 22
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