Removed Listings

Community Member

I had a listing removed because it apparently didnt comply with Ebays rules.

Checking listings, the same item is listed by numerous other sellers.

I reported a couple of them ,But they werent removed,

How come mine is removed and other items stay,

Is it because they are bigger sellers than me or have a shop.

How do they get away with it,





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Removed Listings

T for tat reporting rarely works


And how do you know it was one of the seller's listing you reported who reported you?


How do they get away with it?


What reason was given for it being removed? 


Was it something you need to be authorised/ have permission to sell?


Copyright reasons? 



That could be one reason 


Was it listed in the correct category ?


No keyword spamming? 


eBay don't work on the 'they can why can't I' 


And I have reported plenty of stuff that is supposedly not allowed but was not removed (used undies for one thing)



Without having any idea of what kind of item it was, or why it was removed, other members can only guess at possible reasons 



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Removed Listings

I had an item removed.  The reason given was it violated some policy about religious artefacts or something.  I was puzzled because (A) it's a trading card and (B) many other sellers had the same item.


My listings are quite detailed.  My system puts the full card text.  Few (none) other sellers do this.  I read the text it had the word crusade in it.  I removed it for that listing and it worked.  The description triggered some stupid algorithm.  Even though the ebay person agreed there was nothing wrong with it they had no ability to override it.


I also had 7 items removed for being 'counterfeit'  the funny thing was they were actually products of our own design, with artwork we commissioned and own.  They were listed as custom cards yet for some reason 7 out of the 10 we had were taken down.  


Sometimes you run afoul of some nonsense automated process at Ebay.  nothing you can do other than make tweaks to your listings.  Don't bother asking Ebay, none of the people they employ as customer service would have a clue

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