I just 'sold' an iphone on ebay.It was up for auction or for buy it now.  The buyer bought it now. I checked his credentials, and he had good feedback. He asked for an invoice with postage to the US.  I thought I'd made the sale in Australia only (another way that ebay is just losing it -it's impossible to work out how to set a reserve, how to set a geographical district), but I accepted I must not have.  

So I travelled many kilometres to a post office when I didn't have time, to find out postage to America. Came home and contacted the buyer again (to the email he had specified) to tell him the total price.

Now I have an email from ebay saying that the purchase was made 'without the owner's permission' - what does that mean? that his son did it? that his account has been hacked?

There is then a huge list of instructions on how to avoid this in future - how do an immediate payment (I've read it and still don't understand if the auction continues to a normal ending if it's not bought in the meantime as it says if there has been no paypal ending at end of auction then no sale has been made.  Surely they can pay after the auction or what's the auction for?

Ebay used to be simple to use, with clear instructions on the listing page on how to display and what to do. No longer.  You need a degree to work it, and then you'll  probably mess it up.  

I won't be using it again.  But I just thought that others may be interested to know what can happen.

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Classic symptoms of a scam in the making. Technology like phones, ipads etc are prime targets for scammers especially with new or infrequent sellers.


Do not send the phone, you are very likely to lose it and any money you may get for it. Also you cannot send anything containing a lithium battery by air mail, only surface freight.


Do not communicate thru email outside of ebay. The scammers will try to draw you this way so there is no record of what they say. Ebay can only read messages if they are done via ebay messaging.


Yes ebay is far different to use than it once was and unless you are a full time seller its hard to keep up with the changes.


If you wish to sell your phone do it thru somewhere like Gumtree (also owned by ebay) where the buyer can pick and pay cash on the spot. They have the phone and you have the money... end of story.

Message 2 of 8
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There are no reserves, your starting price is your reserve. To make sure you do not get overseas buyers you need to make sure the "No International Postage" option is selected then go into your account and tick the box to block buyers who have a delivery address you do not post to.


This is particularly important for an item like a mobile phone as you cannot post anything with a lithium battery overseas using Aus Post, you have to use a courier company who charge an arm and a leg for the extra packaging needed.


Even when posting within Australia things with lithium batteries have to go as regular parcels with a road only sticker on them.


All the above information is easily found and hardly requires a degree.

It says in this book I am reading that by 2065 80% of women will be overweight.

See what a trendsetter I am?
Message 3 of 8
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Dear Clarry, 

thanks so much for your answer - I ended up after ages finding a way of phoning ebay and someone walked me through relisting the phone for local pickup only  - the auction finishes on Sunday. I couldn't believe the complexity of the things the consultant had me do! I couldn't follow what we were doing at all, and just trusted that she was interpreting what I wanted correctly. You're right about being an infrequent user! And even so, someone in NSW has bid on the phone even though it's for local pickup only! 

I didn't send the phone of course! Now I keep getting very authentic looking emails saying that my ebay account has been suspended for not posting it, that I'll be reported to the police etc etc. 

Thank you for taking the time to answer me,



Message 4 of 8
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Dear Phorum_junkie*

Thanks so much for taking the time to answer me. I don't think that when you are as familiar with ebay as you and Clarry must be, how extremely difficult it is for someone who doesn't do it often.  It certainly isn't a clearcut step by step process.  And I think I'm moderately intelligent. Even something as simple as removing the ebay-generated technical description of the iphone is well-nigh impossible!

The bit about the lithium battery is very interesting - I'm glad I put it for local pickup only!

thanks again for your help, it's very good of you to take the time


Message 5 of 8
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It is a pity you did not say Cash On Pickup Preferred......there is still the potential for you to be scammed if the buyer pays by paypal.

Message 6 of 8
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Just be careful of the email mentioning suspension and police reports.  That is classic of a phishing/scam email. DO NOT click on links in that email. To see if it's genuine, look in your My Messages. 


If it's not in there and you've clicked on links run your anti-virus and antimalware programs. If you have another way to access the Internet, like a mobile device, change all your passwords. 

Message 7 of 8
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fingers crossed you get a good honest buyer.


phones have to be the item most open to rorts on ebay.


we'd all be rich if every phone sale gone wrong gave us a dollar.


if you have any doubts once the auction ends come back here and our friendly staff will help.

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