Seller Feedback Rights + Appalling eBay Customer Service

dear ebay.
Your complete lack of any customer service is atrocious. I have spent the last 10 minutes in the so called resolution centre trying to find a method to actually converse with somebody. It's nearly impossible.
You seem to have a complete disregard for the sellers in transactions. Everything is weighted towards the buyer. Well if you have no sellers then the buyers have nothing to buy. And you have no business. And you seem to stick it to the honest sellers that have been doing business for years.
We pay fees to use ebay , quite handsome fees now, and we get squat for it other than a pain in the **bleep** from you guys. Pull your finger out and look after the sellers.
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Re: Seller Feedback Rights + Appalling eBay Customer Service

unfortunately posting your complaint here is unlikely to be read by anyone at ebay. Ring them 1800322928

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Re: Seller Feedback Rights + Appalling eBay Customer Service


That is correct, but it sure allows you to vent and get it off your chest ! Smiley LOL





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Re: Seller Feedback Rights + Appalling eBay Customer Service

Your complete lack of any customer service is .....


Never had any complaints about my customer service, quite the reverse in fact!


I have never had a problem with ebay customer service either, any time I phone them (which is hardly ever) they have dealt with my enquiry politely and appropriately. Why do I need ebay to look after me as a seller? I can look after myself using the tools ebay provide to help things along without a hitch. I have never had ebay "stick it to me"

It says in this book I am reading that by 2065 80% of women will be overweight.

See what a trendsetter I am?
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Re: Seller Feedback Rights + Appalling eBay Customer Service

Community Member

Ebays known default position is to side with the buyer. This has come out numerous times, executives and ex employees have said it, theyve said it to the media. Google a little about Ebay.


They do this because there are more sellers than buyers, and they know buyers who have a negative experience (whether they are in the wrong or not), tend not to come back to buy again. Despite listing fees, buyers are what make Ebay money. Not sellers.


This is why they promote buyers consumer rights but have nothing about sellers rights on their site (in Australia, sellers actually have many rights).


This is how Ebay works. I know its frustrating, but signing up to a service, then complaining about their policys is a little pointless.


If Ebay breaks your sellers rights, or makes decsions in support of a buyer against a seller that breaks sellers rights in Australia you can report them to the ACCC, Financial services ombudsman etc. They are quick online forms.  


They do break our rights and make decisions contrary to Australian Consumer law frequently (Ive only been selling three months and theyve sided twice with the buyer when I was in the legal right, Ive also seen many examples on this board). Unfortunately most sellers are too lazy to find out what their rights actually are let alone do anything about it.


The only way it will change is if there are enough complaints to the appropriate Australian departments. Every seller needs to lodge a complaint every single time it happens and pressure them to do something about it.

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Re: Seller Feedback Rights + Appalling eBay Customer Service


They do break our rights and make decisions contrary to Australian Consumer law frequently (Ive only been selling three months and theyve sided twice with the buyer when I was in the legal right, Ive also seen many examples on this board). Unfortunately most sellers are too lazy to find out what their rights actually are let alone do anything about it.


I think you may be a bit fuzzy on the subject of legal rights, ebay have terms, conditions and policies all of which are well vetted by their legal team before they are implemented and you tick a box when you become a member to say you will abide by those terms, conditions and policies.


If you don't like them then take your business elsewhere and leave those of us who have used ebay without upsetting buyers or causing ebay to have to choose between us to continu yo use the site the way ebay intend it to be used.

It says in this book I am reading that by 2065 80% of women will be overweight.

See what a trendsetter I am?
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