Selling multiples of one item, best way of keeping the fee's low

Hi. While I have sold a few things here and there I am starting to sell multiples of the same item at the same time, or in the same period I suppose you call it. So I don't get it wrong what is the best way of selling  say 10 of the same item whilst keeping the fee at its lowest? Currently I have just been listing each item individually but each having a 5cent difference in price with the postage adjusted accordingly so the invoice price is the same for all.


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Selling multiples of one item, best way of keeping the fee's low

If you are willing to pay $50 to have a store you can list with multiple available for 20c for 30 days with buy now listings.

So if you have 20 available you enter 20 in the quantity available then buyer can enter the amount they want to purchase.

As the amount gets low you can top it up when you have the stock.

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Selling multiples of one item, best way of keeping the fee's low

The items i sell the buyer only ever needs one of them. So that I couldn't do. I will have to look into this Ebay store thingo'

Thanks for the help.

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Selling multiples of one item, best way of keeping the fee's low


What I do is just state in my listing that I have x amount for sale at the bidding start price of x dollars each and if they want to purchase more than one, I ask them to contact me after they've won the bid so I can adjust the invoice.  Easy peasy.

NO do not do that.

That is circumvention of ebay fees and is not allowed.

If the listing was reported it would be removed and if the seller did this they could be banned.

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Selling multiples of one item, best way of keeping the fee's low

Looks like * somebody * reported me for the suggestion I made, which is good otherwise I would have tried doing that again.... and I had no idea it was against the rules.

What I suggested, I only did it once and it's not as if I had hundreds of the same item, it was only a few.

Got the eBay warning, learned a lesson, won't do it again.  

Not that anybody cares anymore, most likely?


I said to myself,
Self, I said...
Cheer up, things could get worse,
So I cheered up and sure enough,
Things got worse.
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