US ebay versus AUS ebay

Hi everyone!  Just a query on US vs AUS.   If my account was opened on the AUS site, can I change it to the US site?  Some of the items I sell are not permitted on AUS but are fine to go on US.

And if I'm allowed to change over, how do I make my listing show that I only want to sell in Australia?

I have tried before and it won't let me.  I asked ebay CS but they had no idea what I was on about.


And, if you're out there digital*ghost - yes, it's me, using my other ID.  Hope you enjoyed your coffee!! :):)

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Re: US ebay versus AUS ebay



And, if you're out there digital*ghost - yes, it's me, using my other ID.  Hope you enjoyed your coffee!! :):)


I did indeed, thanks 🙂


There's no need to switch sites, as you can actually list on any eBay site with an existing account. Many people do that with items that are more appealing to overseas markets, or to list items that aren't allowed on the Oz site (for example, only physical goods can be listed on the Australian site, but the US site allows digital downloads to be listed). 


The things to take into account when listing on other sites is the different rules (some will be to your advantage, others won't be), the different fee structure, the way any disputes are handled, and the fact that whichever site you list on will determine the currency - so, if you list on the US site, your prices will be in US dollars. You'll need make sure your PayPal account is set up to accept whichever foreign currency the item will be listed under (there is, I believe, a small fee to convert it to AU dollars). 


When setting up postage, because you're listing on a foreign site, you also must post to that country, and postage to Australia will be under the international settings, even though the item location will be here in Oz. 


I hope that helps - if you need any more info on any of the above, I'll scout some direct links. 🙂

Message 2 of 12
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Re: US ebay versus AUS ebay

Let me get this right? You want to list an item on another site that is not allowed to be listed on so you can then sell it to someone in Australia? Wouldn't that be illegal?

Message 3 of 12
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Re: US ebay versus AUS ebay

Let me get this right? You want to list an item on another site that is not allowed to be listed on so you can then sell it to someone in Australia? Wouldn't that be illegal?


No it wouldn't. There is nothing illegal about buying digitally downloaded goods, second hand swimwear or a raft of other items that can be listed on the US and/or UK sites but are banned from the Aus site.

It says in this book I am reading that by 2065 80% of women will be overweight.

See what a trendsetter I am?
Message 4 of 12
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Re: US ebay versus AUS ebay

Second hand swim wear??? OMG I just threw up in my mouth a little...:O

Message 5 of 12
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Re: US ebay versus AUS ebay

Why do you have a problem with second hand swimwear? Is it better or worse than buying a pair of jeans that have been worn by a woman who doesn't wear  knickers? At least the cossy has most likely been worn in chlorine or salt water :^O


To the OP you cannot register on the US site unless you have a US address and bank account.

It says in this book I am reading that by 2065 80% of women will be overweight.

See what a trendsetter I am?
Message 6 of 12
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Re: US ebay versus AUS ebay

Second hand swimwear also includes things like rash vests, which is no different to any other kind of pre-owned top, but technically can not be listed on the AU site. 

Message 7 of 12
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Re: US ebay versus AUS ebay

I know its probably very irrational of me phorum & digital hahah I am a woman of many contradictions, I will own that. You are probably right that its no different to a pair of used jeans.........BUT somewhere in the deep dark recesses of my mind the thought of it creates a severe involuntary reflux action lol :^O


Message 8 of 12
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Re: US ebay versus AUS ebay

I personally find it gross too but PJ makes a good point. I've never quite thought of it like that before. I don't think I'll ever purchase secondhand jeans/shorts/pants online again 😐

Doesn’t expecting the unexpected make the unexpected expected?
Message 9 of 12
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Re: US ebay versus AUS ebay

lol arnl I don't think I will either ! & I LOVE vintage jeans.....just the thought of it now omg.


See my listings for several pairs of jeans COMING SOON !! hahahha:^O 

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