
hey everyone,


just wondering if there is a chance you can see which buyers are watching your items?


Is that possible.???





Message 1 of 13
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Re: Watchers

Sigh, here we go again


Look, you might sell on ebay, but you haven't been doing it all your life


Before ebay, you shopped in bricks and mortar stores


Now, what do bricks and mortar stores DO with their front windows --- known as 'window displays' ?


That's right -- they advertise their wares.  They put them in their windows so people passing by can SEE them.  If they SEE them and LIKE them, they might step inside the store


Okay. Now, let's go back a few years.  What did many people do when they went to town?  Those too young to remember could ask their mothers.  Ask them if they bought something from every store they went into or looked at.  And they'll tell you 'no'


Moving on:  When you go to a shopping centre or to the town or city, you often browse in stores, don't you ?  Of course you do.  And when the retail assistant walks up to you to ask, ' Hi there, can I help you with anything ? ' -- as a rule you reply, ' No thanks.  I'm only browsing'.   Retail assistants here it hundreds of times each day. 


People BROWSE.  They browse here.  They browse there.  They might be thinking of new curtains.  Or they might be looking for Christmas presents six months early. Maybe they're looking for a friend's birthday gift for next month.  Or maybe they're considering a new coat for themselves, or whatever


So they LOOK.  They make NOTE.  They COMPARE.  The red shoes in this shop are nice, but gee, maybe they should get navy from over there.  The like the heel on this, but not so keen on the buckle on that.  But then again, THIS particular shop is having a sale.  Maybe the quality isn't that great, but the price is.  So they make note and talk about it next week when they're having coffee with a friend, etc.


You see ?   The customer is king.  First rule of retail.  The customer changes his/her mind.  Some are impulse buyers.  Some think things over ten times before buying.  Others lose their job and stop buying


On ebay, the Watchlist is where things are put while the customer decides what THEY would like to do, and if THEY would like to buy.  Etc.  Some of those ebay watchers end up not buying Anything from their Watchlist, for one of thousands of reasons.  They might have to go to hospital suddenly.  They might have to fly interstate unexpectedly.  They might lose their job, or discover their boyfriend is leaving them


Whatever the case, customers' Watchlists are about THE CUSTOMER


The job of the seller is to put the items up for sale.  Some do a shocking job of that.  No measurements, no details, nothing, despite all the advice available


I saw an online advertisement for an item tonight.  The seller wanted over $700 for it - used.  And the advertisement/joke item description said this, ' $700.  Moving.  URGENT'


'Urgent' for whom -- the seller ?  All about the seller ?  Seller has to move and wants someone to come along and give them $700 quick sharp, because that's what the SELLER wants ?  Gee, hurry up folks.  Someone wants $700.  They need it like yesterday man.  Quick.  They're obviously accustomed to getting what they want.  And you KNOW as they obviously do, that the world is here to serve and please THEM.  Get cracking.  Get that money to them NOW.  Or what --- what will they do ?  Throw a tantrum ?  Or maybe they might eventually wake up to the fact they're not all that important to the other 8 billion of us


Anyway, people will put whatever they want on their Watchlist --- because --- because WHY ?  That's right.  Good.  Now we're getting it.  It's because it is THEIR Watchlist !

Message 11 of 13
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Re: Watchers

hey everyone,


just wondering if there is a chance you can see which buyers are watching your items?


Is that possible.???






It's as easy as predicting winning Lotto numbers. ๐Ÿ˜‰

Message 12 of 13
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Re: Watchers

polocross absolutely classic post love it :^O

Message 13 of 13
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