Item location?

Hi all,

This may have been asked before but I am wondering...

When I do a search (for a book) and tick 'Australia Only' for results, I'm still getting a gazillion ๐Ÿ™‚ books that when I click on them say Item Location UK or US to Australia...
Am I missing something? ๐Ÿ™‚

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Item location?

If they have, for example -

From the UK

via Airmail to


as one noted mega dropshipper has, or

From UK or US to


as your one does, then the algorithm only picks up the last line - "Australia". That's why they do it. And eBay have no interest in disciplining them for it.

Call some place paradise, kiss it goodbye - Don Henley
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Item location?

Thanks for your reply... this explains it then,

Grrr... It is annoying not only as a seller, if I'm trying a sell a book they have gazillions of, I really wanted to see the completed listings of a book to get a feel for who has bought from Oz, but the search pages were just flooded with this one seller..

I don't know, but as a buyer this annoys me too...

That's what I get for being interested in an American bestseller I suppose.

Sorry had to vent ๐Ÿ™‚

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