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eBay estimate delivery time is very out of date and not fair to sellers now. For example, ebay still estimates the delivery time base on very old date before Covid-19.eBay estimated time is not even covering half of them. Which lead to so many compla...
Hi,I have a buyer want to return the item. She satrt with a return item case, then I let her return the item and send her the return postage label. Then she said she have no car, so she can not go to the post office to return the item. she say I must...
Hi , Today I received a email saying I am selling illegal copies. There are many seller are selling the same product and I am buying it directly from the manufuctor. There are so many item with some kind of logo or trademark in it. I believe most of ...
Hi, I just start selling small item on ebay. I know the item need to be less than 20mm thickness to be ship as a letter to get the letter rate ($1-3), which is much cheaper than ship as a satchel rate ($7 +). Do I have to send item in envelope to get...