Why is this so?

There is an item (172242085575) currently being sold, it has attracted 11 bids, however 9 of those bids are from buyers who have a 100% buying history with the seller, it would appear that there are only 2 genuine bidders.

A person with a suspicious mind may assume that the other 4 bidders are unfairly inflating the price of this item.

It would come as no great surprise that Ebay do not want to know about this issue!!!!!

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Re: Why is this so?

the last one went for $88
did you see his red dots?
Message 2 of 6
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Re: Why is this so?

@davidf4010 wrote:

There is an item (172242085575) currently being sold, it has attracted 11 bids, however 9 of those bids are from buyers who have a 100% buying history with the seller, it would appear that there are only 2 genuine bidders.

A person with a suspicious mind may assume that the other 4 bidders are unfairly inflating the price of this item.

It would come as no great surprise that Ebay do not want to know about this issue!!!!!

Hmmm, if a buyer has only bid on ONE item with ONE seller, then I hate to burst your bubble, they are going to have a 100% bidding history with that seller. Here, I'll make it easier for you.


Bidder 100 has bid on ONE item 3 times, that is one item in the last 60 days from any seller on eBay.

Bidder 346 has bid on ONE item 3 times, that is one item in the last 60 days from any seller on eBay.

Bidder 0 has bid on ONE item 2 times, that is one item in the last 60 days from any seller on eBay.

Bidder 37 has bid on TWO of the sellers items, totalling 6 bids, that is 2 items in the last 60 days from any seller on eBay.


None of those bidders have bid on any other items anywhere on eBay in the last 60 days, so of course they are going to have 100% bidding history with that seller if they have bid on one of his auctions. They have bid on ONE item. Interestingly and amazingly (I hope you're sitting down for this revelation), auctions tend to attract bidders (well, that's the hope of the seller any way).


The seller has sold 67 items in the last 90 days, most for a few dollars. I think if they were into inflating the price of auctions, it's unlikely that most of their stuff would be selling for under $5.


If you look at the bidding history on one of my accounts, you'd see that I had bid on around 70 items in the last 60 days. 100% with the same seller. There is nothing untoward going on here, so it's no wonder eBay didn't do anything about it.

Message 3 of 6
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Re: Why is this so?

Honored Contributor

@davidf4010 wrote:

There is an item (172242085575) currently being sold, it has attracted 11 bids, however 9 of those bids are from buyers who have a 100% buying history with the seller, it would appear that there are only 2 genuine bidders.

A person with a suspicious mind may assume that the other 4 bidders are unfairly inflating the price of this item.

It would come as no great surprise that Ebay do not want to know about this issue!!!!!

Why would ebay do anything about a perfectly normal auction?

If a seller is going to shill bid then they certainly do not do it with 4 seperate accounts....that would be crazy.


For the last few months I have been bidding with mostly the same seller....large amounts of the same item from the same seller.  But there is nothing suspicious about it....I win and I pay.   It might be suspicious if I was retracting bids, but I didn't.

Message 4 of 6
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Re: Why is this so?

Oh the horror! One of those "suspicious" bidders, who has only bid on one item from one seller in the last 6 months won the auction, with, wait for it, 9 bids. Yes, that's right, NINE bids. I think I might call the police, the prime minister, the state premier, the local barber and my next door neighbour. This just can't be happening. Someone winning an auction, tragic, very tragic.


A person with a suspcious mind may assume that the OP has sour grapes because they wanted to buy the item and thought they could get it for next to nothing. I find that's usually the reason why people scream shill bidding when it's so obviously not. Even blind Freddie (or Phil, or Joe, or Richard) could see there is no evidence of shilling.


I think the OP needs to read through the help pages on auctions, because believe it or not, some auctions do sell for more than the starting price of 99c. Did you think you could get this for 99c? Is that the problem? Is that why you reported a seller for doing absolutely nothing wrong?

Message 5 of 6
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Re: Why is this so?

Hi "tippy toes'

Thank you for the informative reply, it would appear that I may have been in error, you have restored my faith in human nature, and added some brightness to what was going to be a dull day.


Message 6 of 6
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