can I cancel an accepted offer?

Hi there,


It was my first time using offer. I have give offers to two stores for same items. I received counter offers from both stores. I accidently accept all of offers. But I have already purchased the item from store 1. Now in my shopping cart I have the item listed from store 2. There is a message saying I am commited to purchase this item. 


Can I cancel this from my cart? Or if I leave the item unpaid, would anything goes wrong?


Thank you

Message 1 of 17
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can I cancel an accepted offer?

If the item is in your cart only, it has not been purchased.


Similarly if you go to a supermarket and fill your basket or cart with items then realise you left your wallet in the car and leave the cart at the checkout. You haven't purchased until you go through checkout and make payment.


But if you made offers and they have been accepted then they are are purchases, NOT in your cart.

They remain as unpaid purchases until paid, not as shopping cart items.

When you make an offer, you are obligated to the purchase if accepted.


Any purchases need to be paid for.

You can ignore items added to your cart.

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Message 2 of 17
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can I cancel an accepted offer?

Kopes, if an offer is accepted the item goes into your Cart awaiting payment.

Even auction wins end up in your Cart these days.


OP, if you do not pay for the item once the seller has accepted your offer he can open an Unpaid Item dispute and issue you with a strike.  More than one strike and you may have difficulty buying from sellers who have their blocks in place.

Message 3 of 17
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can I cancel an accepted offer?

Really ?

So how does the cart distinguish between purchases and items simply added to possibly purchase later ?

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Message 4 of 17
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can I cancel an accepted offer?

@kopenhagen5 wrote:

Really ?

So how does the cart distinguish between purchases and items simply added to possibly purchase later ?

If I put things in the cart I can just leave them there or cancel so the Op may have the Cancel on the item?


Make they can use the Retract Best Offer:


In some cases you can retract or cancel a Best Offer, for example if you accidentally entered the wrong offer amount.


If you make an offer and the seller accepts, it's just like any other sale on eBay – you're obliged to pay the amount you offered.


They do say obliged and not comitted so they may be able to cancel?

Message 5 of 17
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can I cancel an accepted offer?

@kopenhagen5 wrote:


So how does the cart distinguish between purchases and items simply added to possibly purchase later ?

It asks the horse - of course Kopes.




"Start me up I'll never stop......"
Message 6 of 17
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can I cancel an accepted offer?

Smiley LOL Are you saying the cart comes before the horse ?


Oh Wilbur, a horse off course is a horse of course.....................

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Message 7 of 17
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can I cancel an accepted offer?

Absolutely Kopes, unless of course the nag is in the cart after drinkin' too many of these :-




"Start me up I'll never stop......"
Message 8 of 17
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can I cancel an accepted offer?



I should try to test this business of winning an auction or accepting a counter-offer, and seeing how that plays out in my cart, which contains some items that I will buy, sooner or later.

Message 9 of 17
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can I cancel an accepted offer?

I am also a little perplexed.

Too many changes for me to keep up with.

Perhaps I should just ride into the sunset.







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Message 10 of 17
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