ipad air tablet offered at way below expected price by seller with no feedback

Community Member

Anyone seen this apple ipad air offered at a buy-it-now price of $135.38? The seller is marte-myun. I asked a question but no response, and now it says 'last one -8 items sold in one hour'... is this a scam or what??

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Re: ipad air tablet offered at way below expected price by seller with no feedback

If it looks like a Scam & sticks like a Scam & your gut feeling tells you it's a Scam, it's a Scam. Avoid it and repot it. Also you can't name sellers on here. It will be removed shortly by the mods. Best to put the item number in next time. ๐Ÿ™‚ 

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Re: ipad air tablet offered at way below expected price by seller with no feedback

OK, thanks; my gut feeling says 'no'... I imagine a new (genuine) ipad air (32gb) at that price wouldn't have a buy-it-now price much below $500 - I thought the seller might have been inexperienced & put buy-it-now in error. Also, as I've been watching the item it has now ended, with '10 sold' beside the price of $135.38 ...hmm, then how come the seller has (0) beside the name after 10 transactions?? Think I'm happy I missed out!

Oh, and sorry i was inexperienced myself not knowing you couldn't name sellers... oops... won't mind if it's deleted.

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Re: ipad air tablet offered at way below expected price by seller with no feedback

๐Ÿ™‚ ๐Ÿ™‚ It's always best to ask. Yeah, it looked dodgy to say the very least. You should be happy you didn't part with your $$$. The old rule to remember, If it looks to good to be true, it aint true. Well done for spotting it though. ๐Ÿ™‚ 

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Re: ipad air tablet offered at way below expected price by seller with no feedback

if it looks too good to be true, it usually is.
Message 5 of 8
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Re: ipad air tablet offered at way below expected price by seller with no feedback

It's one of the NUMEROUS daily FRAUDULENT listings on this site for non existent items listed by  SCAMMERS using copy/paste of real sellers' listings.


Here's a relevant thread:





Message 6 of 8
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Re: ipad air tablet offered at way below expected price by seller with no feedback

Thanks guys... nearly became part of the 'stupid' category,... interesting to read that other link. Ciao ๐Ÿ™‚
Message 7 of 8
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Re: ipad air tablet offered at way below expected price by seller with no feedback

The Seller is no longer registered.

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