Persian Illuminated Manuscript Page

Hello, I'm hoping there is someone who can give me some information and/or confirmation about a manuscript page I have that I plan to put up for auction and that I have hopefully attached a photo of to this post.


The front of the page (pictured) has a small painting of six men, one of whom is about to garrot another eagerly watched by the other four - an assassination in progress. This is surrounded by arabic script, the other side is all script.  It is displayed in a reasonably modern purpose made paper folder that has a cutout to show off the painting.  On the back of the folder is written [APPN 3M USA 600-] and there is a handwritten sticker [2550.00].  I'd say it is in pretty good condition - a little frayed about the edges and some water damage but not to the painting.  It was bought it in an op shop for next to nothing a couple of years ago.


A friend of my sister is no expert on these things but has an interest.  He felt that it was Persian, hand written (in a frame) and hand painted (gouache) and could date back as far as the 14thC; perhaps from a book of poetry but he does not read Arabic.


My interest is in what the story might be about, how old it might be and what might be an appropriate price to start an auction.  It has provided us with much pleasure as an unusual and beautiful thing but it is time for it to go.


Thank you, Julie.




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Re: Persian Illuminated Manuscript Page

In the event that there is not anyone here who could confidently identify this for you  ........


I see you live in Canberra - have you considered availing yourself of the excellent Ask a Librarian service -


I have used the NSW one many times. Don't say you want to sell it - say something like it is for family history - this was passed down to me and I would like to know what it is. There is an opportunity to attach a photo - yours is excellent. Others may have more suggestions. Good luck.

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Re: Persian Illuminated Manuscript Page

Thank you so much for your suggestion - I'll send off an enquiry tomorrow. 


Think I'll use the "General Interest" or "Other" reason with a reasonably clear conscience as really more interested in what it is than what it might be worth.  Although, like many others, one sometimes dreams of finding an undiscovered Rembrandt.  Don't think this is it though - my sister's friend gave the impression it wasn't hugely valuable even though it might be quite old.

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Re: Persian Illuminated Manuscript Page


I don't know if this applies to your page, but another possible scenario is that this is a recent miniature, maybe 30 or 40 years old, painted on very old manuscript paper.

. I bought several in the 1980s in Rajastan, they were inexpensive. The quality of the art was very good, very traditional. 

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Re: Persian Illuminated Manuscript Page

In the event that there is not anyone here who could confidently identify this for you  ........


I see you live in Canberra - have you considered availing yourself of the excellent Ask a Librarian service -




I have had a reply to my enquiry to the "Ask a Librian" which I have copied below as I thought you might be interested in seeing the results of your suggestion  - it is a wonderful service, thank you so much for suggesting it.  I now need to see if I can find out how old the page might be so am on the look-out for an antiquarian book seller or fair!

Regards, Julie.


"........Your enquiry was a little challenging as the item is a bit beyond our normal area of collecting and expertise. I luckily found a Library staffer born in Afghanistan who recognised the script as Farsi, a Persian language now spoken in Afghanistan, Iran and Tajikistan.

The page is religious poetry written by Jami (Nur ad-Dīn Abd ar-Rahmān Jāmī), a 15th Century Islamic writer and theologian from what is now Afghanistan. The page is from the book Haft Awrang ("Seven Thrones", a reference to the seven starts of the Big Dipper constellation). This is a well known work of seven parts, the one you have a page from is Yusof-o Zulaikhā ("Joseph and Zulaikha"). This is the Joseph of the Hebrew Bible and Christian Old Testament who is also seen and an Islamic prophet.

An English translation of the poem is available here. A summary and academic analysis is also online.

The fact that the page has been removed from a book and placed in a card mount is quite common and probably shows a long history of being bought and sold. The annotations on the mount may be from past sellers.

Jami's works are very popular have been reissued many times over the centuries, so for the age of the actual page you have this may have to be judged on personal inspection by a book dealer or valuer. Clues about the paper type, writing or printing style may help this. You can see suggestions on getting such an appraisal or valuation, including a listing of Cultural Gifts Program approved valuers in our FAQ Can the Library value an item for me?"

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Re: Persian Illuminated Manuscript Page

What a fantastic reply - the people certainly went above and beyond there. Our tax dollars at work! I have found similar very helpful responses from the NSW State Library. Hope you have further success in determining the age.

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