24 Hour cat curfews being proposed

Yes Please!


Currently they are looking at the idea for areas close to conservation areas but, boy oh boy, would I like to see it extended to the suburbs! I am so over all the cats fighting, defecating, spraying in my backyard and terrorising my animals.



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24 Hour cat curfews being proposed

Dogs should have a 24 hour ban as well, dogs kill bigger native animals then Cats.

Message 2 of 41
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24 Hour cat curfews being proposed

24 Hour cat curfews being proposed

@lionrose.7 wrote:

Dogs should have a 24 hour ban as well, dogs kill bigger native animals then Cats.

But there is already a law in place for dogs. The law is simple and national - all dog owners are legally required to keep dogs on their own property.


If dogs roam, then the owners is breaking the law.


In fact, the laws for dogs are very stringent in this country.


Why can't the same rules apply to cats? In some states, cats don't even need to be registered with their local councils.

Message 4 of 41
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24 Hour cat curfews being proposed

Community Member

 dont understand why someone would buy a cat to let it roam free?? 

Im all for all cat having to be contained at all times and fines for those who dont. 


Message 5 of 41
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24 Hour cat curfews being proposed

Already in place where I live and seems to be working with most thank goodness although the black cat that spends his days in my poolyard doesn't know the rules.
Message 6 of 41
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24 Hour cat curfews being proposed

@lionrose.7 wrote:

Dogs should have a 24 hour ban as well, dogs kill bigger native animals then Cats.

I also think you will find that the damage to native animals are very much a cat problem and not a dog one. There are areas of australia where cat populations have wiped out all entire sections of native animals. And manay areas where they haven;'t been able to reestablish new native colonies because cats get to them before they get a chance to root.


Isn't it something like 75 million native animals are killed by cats every night? I can't recall where that stat came from but I can remember clearly the figure being toted when the report came out last year.

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24 Hour cat curfews being proposed




Message 8 of 41
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24 Hour cat curfews being proposed

Community Member

No more cat flap stories on CS then.

Message 9 of 41
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24 Hour cat curfews being proposed

I'm pretty strict with our cats. they're never let out too early in the morning and they're always brought in well before dark. I'm lucky that they're not wanderers , they're always just hanging out in the garden but may be all cats and dogs should be restricted in conservation areas?? reading the article it points  out that  a lot of people can't afford cat enclosures which in turn would lead to the dumping of cats.... so that wouldn't be good either


It is supposed to be illegal in my suburb to leave cats out at night and I really only see the odd one every now and then.

Message 10 of 41
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