Activism a threat to jouranlism

If only we could get back to serious news reporting and journalism we might actually become less cynical to what we are served up every day by the radical fringe publications, twitter and many main stream media all pushing their own political agenda.


The TV "political" shows all skew the news and all have their "pet" talking heads to push what they want us to see. See the Drum, The Project, Q&A, Insight, all crowding out real news and unbiased opinion.  The Mummy Bloggers asked to comment on everything is laughable.The one and only Conservative program lost in amongst all the lefts agenda on free TV.


A lot of what is posted on here is not to be taken seriously, many have their own pet media who push what they want to read then it's regurgitated on here as fact.



I have read some comments on here that they actually believe the pictures and TV live media of mass murder is all fake! how far we have all come is a right to expect the truth in media news and anything else is just biased comment.


Anytime a poster posts an article and  asks for  comment,  if its not from the pet publications of posters  its not worth the effort to actually read, then the opposite of what the article is all about is lost in the cacophony of biased comment and snipes.

Message 1 of 24
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Re: Activism a threat to jouranlism

Umm.. what of the newsltd bolt-dribble ? everyone in the media (and enlightened members of the public) know he and similar outlets perpetuate untruths on a daily basis. I find that post pure comedy. ..

Message 2 of 24
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Re: Activism a threat to jouranlism

princess shari Cat Mad

Message 3 of 24
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Re: Activism a threat to jouranlism

Comment from a sock puppet?  lol Exactly what I expected Robot tongue

Message 4 of 24
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Re: Activism a threat to jouranlism

well a story from andy's little princess (in the australikan lol) declaring everyone but they get it wrong ? we know its the other way round.

Message 5 of 24
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Re: Activism a threat to jouranlism

@mrsorat-1yaodidt4 wrote:

well a story from andy's little princess (in the australikan lol) declaring everyone but they get it wrong ? we know its the other way round.

The miasma from the lake perhaps?Robot wink 

Message 6 of 24
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Re: Activism a threat to jouranlism

The one and only Conservative program lost in amongst all the lefts agenda on free TV.


What is the one and only conservative program you're talking about.


Rupert Murdoch would have to be the biggest activist publisher pumping out news in Australia.

Message 7 of 24
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Re: Activism a threat to jouranlism

I blame some of the journalists for keeping hatred alive namely murdoch and his team of propaganda puppets


blot, sharri etc,






sHARRI  spends most of her time writing about what other journos and other papers are doing


not my idea of news



Message 8 of 24
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Re: Activism a threat to jouranlism

"A lot of what is posted on here is not to be taken seriously, many have their own pet media who push what they want to read then it's regurgitated on here as fact."

Yes, example -regular c&p's from Bolts blog and Pickering's blog, often without even posting the source of the info (never any fact's in these 'opinion' pieces just biased opinions) fits exactly what you have described above. Never any original comments of their own to add either or discuss any facts about current Govt policies' just copy and paste opinion pieces.
A regular little c&p factory ( plus the oversized cartoons reposted).
Message 9 of 24
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Re: Activism a threat to jouranlism

Quoting facts from "Matilda, The Age, The Guardian, Crikey, Destroy the Joint et al" it's never ending,  also seems to be the media du jour for the left.


I don't post from lunatic fringe publications and I always put my thoughts into the article.


As for the blame game and it's all "Murdoch's" fault. This tired mantra has been disproven by the success of News Ltd media whilst all the others have gone down the gurgler. Obviously News Ltd print what the vast majority of what readers want.


The desperate online bloggers who were sucked up from the Fairfax bloodbath is all we are witness to now and the indoctrination of 1000's of Uni Journo's now pouring into the media all indoctrinated by the left in the courses should be looked at and remedied.

Message 10 of 24
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